Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Totally an ulcer.

Ok, so it's totally an ulcer on my eye! And my mom said it's linear which is consistent with a cat scratch (her dorky words, not mine.) So now I have to have 2 ointments and one makes my pupil stay dilated and the other is an antibiotic, and I have to go back to work on Friday with my mom to have it checked to make sure it's healing! Why does my mom have to be such a freak that she would notice a shallow ulcer on my eyeball? So that's the deal.
And this is a picture of my freakish eye and my mom only fixed the red eye in my good eye to make me look like a bigger freak. Nice.

I sure wish Martha would come over and nurse me back to health ...


Lorenza said...

Cats can do bad things!
I hope you eye heals soon!
Take care
Kisses and hugs

Randi said...

Oh IKE!!!!! I'm so sorry your eye is ouchie...

You need a patch over it & then you can bet IKE THE PIRATE...

just a'd look cooler that way...

Love & Licks,

ps..maybe you can use your belly band over your eye??? Just be sure to wash it first...just sayin...

Ruby Bleu said...

Oh poor Ike...please take it easy and I sure hope your eyeball is better soon!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Duke said...

OMG, Ike! Take good care of that eye and get plenty of rest! We think you deserve lots of treats and ice cream to get well soonest!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Heather and Pumpkin said...

Hope you feel better soon!


Woodrow, Luna, MJ Campanella said...

poor boy - hope you feel better soon

woodrow sweetie mj

Mack said...

Ike I sure hope your eye gets better soon. Darn cats!

Dexter said...

Little Ike, you certainly are taking this well. I hope you are not in pain. Momma is freaking just looking at your poor face.

Sounds like your mom knows how to take good care of you. Maybe that cat needs to wear mittens from now on.


Joe Stains said...

Ike you look sort of like you should be in a monster movie or something. I hope it gets better.

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

So, what do woo get to do the KHATS?


Mason Dixie said...

Oh I do hope your eye gets better soon, it looks so painful.

Stanley said...


Goob smooches by the truckload are heading your way to help heal that eye of yours! Bummer that one of the cats got you. (What did you DO, by the way?)

For the record, you've always been a freak and that's part of why Martha is so gone on you, man.

Goober love,

wally said...

That stinks, man. ANd for all you've done for the cats. AH well. You look totally hardcore in that picture. You should get a patch!

wally t.

ps. Hope it heals soon.

Peanut said...

Ouch cats are evil. Evil I say. We hope your eye feels better soon

Huskee and Hershey said...

Ouchhhieeeeee... that looks bad!! Hope that it heals soon and for now, stay away from cats!

ThePainterPack said...

Goodness!! I am so sorry woo has a sore eyeball! Got to watch out fur them kitties. Hope woo feel better!!!

Mya Boo Boo