Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Top 5!

Ok, so narrowing it down to a top 5 for the 2009 Summer Photo Contest was pretty much the hardest thing I have ever had to do. The criterrier for the top 5 were artistic technique, expression of personality and recognizable summerocity quotient.

First we have Stella! She shows her summerocity like no other with a good ol' fashioned roach in the clover. Her nether regions exposure was also a factor in my selection.

Snowball shows a love for summer and picnics with a smile that could light up an entire kennel. I slap a smile on my face every time I see this pic.

Patrick was selected for pawesome use of color, composition and bootyliciousness in a totally metrosexual kind of way.

Gus, Louie and Callie all share one stick - one stick! What a great way to show your love for each other and summer. Excellent composition and summerocity with standing in water and all.

Now Clover is just so darn cute. What says summer like a pug in crystal clear water floating in a life vest?

There were also a lot of honorable mentions: Pumpkin for the Frosty Paws barf - work it girl! Dexter and Samba for excellent summerocity - I would never want to eat hose water. Dave for pawesome Frisbee skillz. Cody's super cool action shot. Twix, Stan, Randi, Sophie, Dixie, and Bugg, an Maggie and Mitch for their sheer enjoyment of Wallymelon. Dozer for stellar swimming skillz. Tanner for clearly loving the sun. And Mack for just cutting loose inside. All the pics were sooooo pawesome, and this contest has been super fun!

Now vote for your fave!

Summer Photo Contest 2009
Gus, Louie, Callie
pollcode.com free polls

All votes will be tallied, and a winner will be announced at 10:00pm on Friday July 3.

Pee S - I have to go to the ophthomologist tomorrow. Poopy.


Pug(s) and Bugg said...

OMD we are so glad you had Clover in there since we wanted her to win!

Thanks for posting us and our Wallymelon obsession!!! We had fun submitting it!

Lorenza said...

I've told you... not easy!
Kisses and hugs

PS Good luck tomorrow!

C.l.o.v.e.r. said...

Oh my goodness! I am so surprised to see my picture here!! The competition was very fierce - all of the pictures were amazing! :)
Good work on sorting out a top 5 Ike, I can't even imagine how hard it was!

Duke said...

What a hard decision! They're all great pictures!
Good luck at the eye doctor's today, Ike!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Dexter said...

I'll think of you at the opto molly twist. I am going to the V-E-T today too.

Great contest! That Stella! What a tart.


Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

What precious photos - and a hard job to pick just 5. Thanks for having the contest.

Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java

wally said...

Ike, the movie your mom made was PAWESOME. What a great contest. I'm sad my ma ape did not get her rear in gear but it's fun to see everyone's summer pho-tos. And I really don't think I could top these--they rock!

Good luck at the eye doctor! I hope everything is healing properly.

wally t.

Mack said...

What a hard decision -
We think they are all winners!

Good luck at the eye docs!

Woodrow, Luna, MJ Campanella said...

Great pics - we voted - but were not telling for who

woodrow sweetie mj

Jen and Suki said...

Ike, those are pawsome finalists. A couple of my favorites made it to the top 5! I wish mom's computer wasn't a big heap in the corner right now because I have a TON of summer pictures I could have entered and mom's camera is filling up fast with new summer photos.

I hope your appointment goes well, Ike. It's about time for your eyeball to heal up and for you to enjoy our warm(er) weather!

Suki Sumo

Deefor said...

It was very hard to vote. All those pictures were great.


Bijou said...

Hi Ike,

You have a tough job choosing a winner out of those five.

Wags & wiggles,

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

What a tough choice!

I have pawed my vote!


Joe Stains said...

omdog that was a TOUGH CHOICE woah! I just love Stella tho, she is so frickin adorable.

Stanley said...

Yo, Ike!

Man, I'm glad I wasn't in your position. I have NO IDEA how you were able to pick the top 5, but there are some FIERCE summer pics in there. Of course, I'm excited for Stella since she has no idea we even entered her into the contest. She's going to go NUTS! I think the variety of pics in the top 5 makes it hard to know how to vote. I'll keep my choice secret.

Happy early gotcha day, man! Your peeps are lucky!!!

Goober love,

Duke said...

Happy gotcha day, Ike! You are one busy boy these days! We hope you get rewarded handsomely with lots of treats and hugs!
How did you make out with your eye doctor?

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Huskee and Hershey said...

Happy Adoption Day Ike! Hope you have a great one!!

Btw, THANK YOU for the words of encouragement that you left for my mom.. it is indeed a very tough time.
Pssst.. our mom was diagnosed with PCOS last year after she lost Lucas. How she managed to conceive Lucas without medical intervention is a miracle. Anyway Chloe was conceived with the help of some medicine/ injections and mom was soo sooo happy when she found out she was pregnant. Unfortunately it wasn't meant to be and they lost her for reasons still unknown. Please let your mom know that it is definitely possible to conceive even with PCOS and we hope she will have some good news to share.. if your mom would like to email my mom further, our email address is huskeeboy @ gmail . com (without the spaces)..

Big hugs.

wally said...

HAPPY BURPDAY IKE! As a part of your burpday I hope the opthomologist said that your eye is PERFECT. And then gave you a bully stick.

wally t.

C.l.o.v.e.r. said...

Happy Adoption anniversary Ike!!
Hope your eye is feeling better today!

Abby said...

Hi, Ike...

What a fun contest...It was very hard to choose...

Happy Gotcha Day...

Abby xxxooo

Ruby Bleu said...

Happy Gotcha Day Ikes...hope you get lots and lots of love and snackies...ohhh wallymelon too!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Snowball said...

Thank you for choosing me as one of your finalist for the contest. This is the first time I even got chosen to be one of the finalists in any of the photo contests I have tried to take part in so far.

I am feeling like a winner already. Thanks again!


Unknown said...

Happy Gotcha Day, Ike!

Your pal in sharing Gotcha Days,


Asta said...

Happy Adoption Day Ike!!
I hope youw eye is fine and you'we having a gowgeous day
smoochie kisses

Lacy said...

w00fs, Ike, happy gotcha day to uuuu..get lots of ear scratchies and have many many more...

b safe,

Stella said...


Thanks for choosing my photo for the final fab 5! Wheweee! I was just blowin' off some stink and my girl snapped the pic. I didn't even know she & Stanley submitted it, but I'm honored to be in such fine company as all the other contestants. That video of all of the photos was tres coolio! I loved it & couldn't stop watching!

Goobery love,
Stella Bean latifah

Archie and Melissa said...

oh i love them all and your commentaries!
how fun!