Thursday, June 18, 2009

My cryin' eye.

Ok, so this eye thing is getting ridiculous because I keep going in to get checked and they say we have to wait and see, but if it hasn't improved by tomorrow, they need to re-grid scrape it. And if that doesn't work, then I have to have surgery which totally sucks and all this for a regular old ulcer!
(Ike's mom here - just a word of advice to everyone with older dogs: take them to the vet right away if anything seems wonky with an eye. I could see his ulcer, and got Ike in right away, and we're still going through this BS. If an ulcer goes for longer, it can get too deep and require surgery automatically. All this is for a superficial non-healing ulcer. And ulcers tend to not heal in older dogs.)
Whatever, mom. So I've been laying around feeling sorry for myself and sleeping a lot because it hurts to open my eye but my mom is giving me doggy pain medicine and also her TMJ pain medicine because it's safe in dogs and she checked with the doctor. That makes me sleepy too but I feel better when I have it. My mom tried to take a pic of my eye but I won't open it when she comes near me because she always puts stuff in it.
This is the worst, and I need tons of healing vibes sent my way! I'll be doing this when I get them.


Ruby Bleu said...

Oh Ike...this makes me so sad. I'm crossing my paws for you buddy. Please feel better

Lots of Licks, ruby

Woodrow, Luna, MJ Campanella said...

feel better little guy - hope your eye is doing better and you dont need surfery


Heather and Pumpkin said...

I hope you feel better soon!


Lucy-Fur, as typed by Dr. Liz said...

Sending lots of healing vibes your way - I hope you get better soon.

*kissey face*

Mason Dixie said...

Awe you poor thing Ike I am so hoping for it to feel better soon. =)

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Your face SOOOOO says it all!

Hope woo get better SOON!


Stephanie said...

Oh get well soon, Ike! So sorry to hear this!

My BT, Jaymie, is really sick too. Had to run a varied blood test today and won't know anything till tomorrow.

(hugs and good vibes)

Lorenza said...

I have my paws crossed and my mom is praying for you!
I hope your eye gets better soon and you will not need a surgery!
Take care
Kisses and hugs

Joe Stains said...

I am sending 98345948 healing vibes buddy. Maybe Tanner can send you an eyeball, his look like they may pop out at any second.

Dexter said...

Dude! Your mom is like a total drug pusher. When can we move in?

Thanks for the words of wisdom to watch out for eyeball issues. Sheesh. No dignity in getting old.


Mack said...

This is not good!
We are sending loads of healing vibes your way!

Duke said...

We're sending you TONS of AireZen, Ike! We want you to get well soon! That is such a cute picture of you!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Murphy Dogg said...

Aw Ike! I'm sending a ton of get better vibes your way, and if you want I think I could probably also send you my most favorite Aunt Sarah, cause she's an ER nurse and knows all about eyeball emergencies. Let me know, dude.
Murphy Dogg

Stanley said...


We're sending you another boatload of healing goob smooches and good vibes for that cryin' eye of yours. Glad to hear you have the pain meds and are at least able to get some sleep. Your mama's a trooper and so are you, man!

Keep us posted.

Goober love & smooches,