Thursday, June 11, 2009

Stupid eyeball.

Ok, so today I went back to the vet for the bazillionith time and they said my eye is no better and because I'm old, I needed to have something called a grid keratectomy done so my eye will start to heal. So what they did was numb my eye and then scrape a needle across it in a grid pattern. WTF? So now it hurts like super way worse and I want to rub my eye all the time and I'm totally not happy at all. My mom said you have to make it worse to make it better so the new tissue will be able to form and that sounds like quack medicine to me and my mom was holding my eye open when they did it and she wanted to puke and totally felt really bad. And now I have to wear a cone when I'm alone! I am going to poop in the doctor's shoe.
No pics because it's too gross and light hurts my eye.


Randi said...

OH IKE!!!!!!!!!!!!

Your Mamma better bring you down to IZZYS for some ICE CREAM RIGHT AWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Poor Baby Ike... You better be getting belly rubs...

Any luck with the pirate patch for your eye? mom/secretary knows what you are going through...she had lasik eye surgery in 2001 & its wasn't the easy way...her cornea's were too thin so they had to do a special procudure where they scraped the ep-a-feel-lee-um offa her eyeballer & she was blind (sort of) for almost 3 weeks...she can see really well now...

but she wished she had two pirate patches way back then...

Go to IZZYS!!!!!!!! Or the Grand Ole Creamry if its closer for you..

Love & Licks,

Duke said...

OMG, mom is hyperventilating just thinking about what you had to go through, Ike! We are sending you lots of AireZen! We hope your eye feels better soon!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Woodrow, Luna, MJ Campanella said...

poor little guy - i will send nurse sweetie to help you

woodrow sweetie mj

Dexter said...

That sounds just awful! That must hurt terribly. That whole eye scraping thing sounds fishy. Yuck!

Maybe time for a second opinion?

I hope you have pain meds.


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

...and I hope your mom has pain meds too!

Paws khrossed woo feel better soon!


Joe Stains said...

That sounds regoddamndiculous to me my friend! I'd be pooping all over EVERYTHING if someone did that to me!

Lorenza said...

Oooouch! Sounds painful!
I hope, hope, hope, you eye gets better soon!
Please take care!
Kisses and hugs

Stanley said...


We in GooberStan are banding together to send you a butt load of healing goob smooches! I can't believe they had to be cruel to be kind, but I hope it works (since your mama almost zooked at the sight of what they were doing to your eye).

Get plenty of sleep, buddy. Gotta keep that eye protected from the light.

Tell your kitties that they are all photogenic. Must have all gone to the same modeling school you went to.

Goob love,

Mack said...

I hope you are getting TONS of new toys for this!!!


C.l.o.v.e.r. said...

Ike!! I hope u are feeling better! Do you want to come stay with me? I don't have any kitties...:)
I have a new blog now; please come meet my new brother! If you would like to link to me, can you please list me as "Sunshine and Mud Puddles"? Thanks!
Sending extra xo to you!

Willie and Waylon said...

We hope you heal quickly. We HATE the vet.

Your Pals,
Willie & Waylon

Lucy-Fur, as typed by Dr. Liz said...

Yep. More evidence that VET = BAD. Ick. Heal fast!

*kissey face*