These are the things my mom reminds me of:

Because she is beautiful and mysterious and hard to pluck.

Because she is proud and majestic and loving and knows how to hunt (metaphorically speaking) and is still sweet even after she just took down unsuspecting prey.

Yeah, I said it! Mother Theresa! ...but of the animals. She is a healer and makes sure that critters have a voice even though they can't speak.
And here is one of her favorite artists playing one of her favorite songs, because she employs her wit like Mr. Bird plays his violin. I hope you enjoy it... Actually, I don't care if you enjoy it... it's for her.
I love you, mama. And so do the cats.... but not as much as I do.
P.S. My pops helped me write this so she wouldn't know until she saw it. He wants her to know that he, too, thinks she is pretty great.