Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Eye ball.

So I have to go back to the eye doc on Thursday, and he's going to partially sew my eye shut because I grew a huge ridge of vessels and I don't blink completely now. It's better than the $800 surgery though. The ulcer is about sixty percent healed, but now I have this blinking problem.
My mom is dying to put up a pic of her tattoo, but she has this Tegaderm bandage on it which she has to wear for a week, and it's totally cool because it's breathable but it keeps bacteria out and keeps it from getting rubbed from her clothes. So we don't get to see it until Monday!
I'm sorry we haven't had time to get to everyone's blogs lately because my mom is so super busy all the time!
My mom's friend Erin is coming to stay with me and the cats next week because my Uncle Ansel and Auntie Kat are finally getting married and my parents are leaving me behind and going to San Diego to the wedding! So not fair!
Here's me before my eye got all terrible.


Ziggy Stardust said...

I love the picture of you. I am sorry you have to get your eye fixed. I hope it goes fast and gets lots better now. Will you have to wear a patch like a pirate??

licks and sniffs, Sasha

Duke said...

It hurts us just thinking about your eye, Ike! We are sending you lots of AireZen and hoping that you're back to 100% soon!
Have a great time with Erin!
We love your picture! Your tongue just kills us! hehehe

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Dexter said...

Ike! You are going to be one unique looking chap with your funny eyelid, but hopefully it will make you feel better. Those V-E-T's sure get a lot of our kibbles money, huh?


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Sibe vibes being sent your way BUT I'll try not to get any of my floof in your eyeball!

So, your pawrents are going to SandyEggo...I'm sure they'll bring woo something bakhk!

We khan't wait to see your mom's tattoo!


Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

We hate to think that you are still having eye problems - we hope that it will be all well when your parents return from SD.

Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java

C.l.o.v.e.r. said...

Hi Ike,
Hope your eye can get back to normal soon. I am sure it is not fun to have to see the vet so much. Thinking strong healing thoughts for you!!
And congrats to your Uncle Ansel and Auntie Kat!

Achieve1dream said...

Sorry about your eye. I know how bad this sucks. Storm has another ulcer too that's taking forever to heal. I send healing light your way.

Woodrow, Luna, MJ Campanella said...

great to hear your eye is getting better - cant wait to see the tattoo - cool pic you look very silly

Woodrow Sweetie & MJ

Mack said...

We are sending you all sorts of healing vibes.

doyle and mollie said...

ouch ike that sounds a bit scary - is it only temporary? maybe you should start to wear doggles you would look furry cool in them ive got some with racing flames up the sides... fierce!

Taffy said...

Oh, Ike, I'm sorry you are still dealing with that silly eye! Will they take the sutures out once it heals or will it have to be sewn furever? I am sending you as many doxie healing sun rays as I can! I sure hope they help.
Love and hugs,

Joe Stains said...

That so totally sucks about your eye buddy :( We really hope it gets better soon. We have never heard of that crazy bandage, Mom just heals hers with a bit of lubriderm.

Lorenza said...

Hi, Ike!
I hope everything is going to be ok with that procedure! paws crossed!
I can't wait to see your mom's tattoo!
Take care
Kisses and hugs

Ruby Bleu said...

YIKES! Will they unsew it when it's all better? Oh Ikes, my paws are crossed for you!!!!

Can't wait to see your Mom's tattoo!!!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Murphy Dogg said...

Hey Ike,
Glad to hear the eye's getting better. Can't wait to see your mom's new ink!
Murphy Dogg

Jess // CLineCreations said...

Hope your eye gets better, Ike! I'm excited to see the tattoo too. =)


wally said...

Aw, poor Ike. I've got my paws crossed that everything will go well and your eye will heal. Poor dude. Wish I could be there to chew bully sticks with you.

We can't wait to see your mom' tattoo which we bet is SO COOL.

wally t.

Poppy said...

My Mommy just discovered Tegaderm too--she has some on right now! Can't wait to see the tattoo!

I hope your eye sewing goes okay. Sounds scary to me.


Mason Dixie said...

Man I can not believe that eye is still having problems!! I do hope it gets better soon. =)

Huskee and Hershey said...

Sorry to hear about the eye problem.. Do you get to wear an eye patch like a pirate? That'd be kinda cool...
Love your pic.. esp your trademark tongue action!