Monday, July 20, 2009

Ain't been around.

Ok, so I haven't been around much because my mom was working extra last week and she was planning Auntie Kathryn's bridal shower so she was stressed to the max. She told me that I couldn't come to the party today because I'm a boy and I said I don't have any nards but she still left me at home.
The only reason that she's typing for me is because she can't sleep because she's nervous because tomorrow is tattoo day! She keeps looking at her leg and saying - look at it because it will never look the same again - drama queen!
So here is a dashingly handsome pic of me because it's a lot more interesting than my mom's boring old nerves.

Eye update: It's still not healed, but it's better and my mom doesn't want to put a pic of it on here because it is g-ross! It's grown all these blood vessels (it's supposed to) so it looks all nasty and it's taking furever to heal. We still don't know if I have to have surgery because it is slowly getting better. My mom has to call the eye doc tomorrow. All the healing vibes you can muster would be appreciated!


Duke said...

Lots of AireZen is coming your way, Ike! That eye needs to heal!
We'll be thinking of your mom and hoping that tattoo day goes just fine! We want to see it, okay?

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

Healing Scottie vibes coming your way. And for your Mom too - we hear tattoos can be painful.

Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java

Dexter said...

Ike, dude, this eyeball has been going on FOREVER! I hope it is getting better even if it is slow.

We're thinking about you and stressed out mom.


Achieve1dream said...

I feel for you. Dealing with eye problems is no fun at all!!

Mack said...

We can't wait to see your mom's tattoo!
We think she should do a pictorial day by day as it heals!

And speaking of healing good luck with the eye.

P(ee)S: Don't feel bad, I have no nards either :(

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

I hope woo've khalmed her by NOW!

Paws khrossed fur your eye to heal heal heal!


Woodrow, Luna, MJ Campanella said...

So great to hear your eye is doing better - we will continue to keep our paws crossed for you

hope the tattoo came out awesome - our mommy has several - even ones of us

Woodrow, Sweetie & MJ

Ziggy Stardust said...

My Mom is way too scardy cat for tatoos. But we are both saying a prayer and sending you healing vibes~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I will send more later.

licks and sniffs Sasha

Checkers & Chess said...

healing thoughts in the st francis bowl and being smoked to the skies!!!! tell your mom that tattoo is FOREVER - leave her pretty leg alone!

doyle and mollie said...

huge healing vibes from us!

Archie and Melissa said...

hi ike!
we are sending you all our healing vibes! good for you for continuing to get better! you are a strong pup!
m & e

Mason Dixie said...

sending you lots of healing vibes!!!

Joe Stains said...

We are sending TONS of vibes. Since my lab work came back clean and I am clearly just in need of some pizza, I don't need the vibes anymore.

Can't wait to see your Mom's tattoo!!

Lorenza said...

Hi, Ike!
I hope everything goes well with your mom's tattoo!
And I still have my paws crossed for your eye!
Take care
Kisses and hugs

Poppy said...

Good luck with your eye, Ike! I hope it heals and that you don't have to have surgery.


wally said...

Ike, I hope your eye heals on its own. No surgery! And I can't wait to see your mom's tattoo. It looks totally cool.

wally t.

Deefor said...

I hope your eye keeps getting better. We'll cross our paws and send you all the good eye vibes we can. Arrow's eye is better so he has some strong vibes.
