Wednesday, June 3, 2009

My eye, my eye! And stolen video.

Ok, so last night I was all watery eyed and squinty so my mom looked at my eye and I totally have an abrasion or ulcer on my cornea. I went to work with her yesterday and was there forever, now I have to go back. My mom thinks one of the cats got me (and that I probably deserved it) or when we walked around the lake yesterday and I was roachin I scratched the ole eyeball. Luckily, my mom has a stash of pain medicine so I slept ok. She said they are going to put a stain on my eye (not like that Joe!) and see how deep the injury is. Poor me!
And on a happier note - I stole this video from Wally because it's pawesome and there are 3 different versions you can watch and you can pick the other ones at the end. I went with the construction/garbage guy because I love digging in gross stuff. My bud Wally is more of a rockabilly.


Duke said...

OMG, you poor boy, Ike! We hope medicine will help to heal your eye! It sounds painful to us!
That video is making the rounds! It's too funny!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Joe Stains said...

oh no your poor EYE! but so cool they stain it, maybe I can get that job? Mom loved that video, she thinks I am more the leather jacket type too.

Dexter said...

Oh man, Ike, that sounds nasty. I hope they don't have to pop your eye out and give you a patch.


Mason Dixie said...

I hope your eye is better soon.=)

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Mango's take is sooooo pirate, Harrrrrr!

Hope woo will be better soon

PeeEssWoo: If woo need help with the khats, please let me know!

Woodrow, Luna, MJ Campanella said...

EEwwww - hope you feel better - our human grandma had that it was horrible

Woodrow Sweetie MJ

Lorenza said...

Hi, Ike!
I hope your eye does not hurt too much!
I am sure the med will make you feel better soon!
Take care
Kisses and hugs

wally said...

Aw dang, Ike. Sorry to hear about the eye. You do seem like an Iggy Pop kinda dog. I like to think of this video as me in a Boston costume in a Waylon costume.

wally t.

ps. We were watching Dogs 101 about Boston Terriers and it explained why you guys fart so much. Awesome!