Sunday, June 21, 2009

1st Annual Summer Photo Contest!

Ok, so I am soooo sick of this eye thing, so I've decided to host a contest because I haven't done one in like a bazillion years! And since it's my favorite season because it doesn't totally suck to go outside, and because my mom loves photography, I decided a summer photo contest would be perfect.
The rules: email a photo of you that epitomizes summer - swimming, sunbathing, picnicing, eating wallymelon, whatever it is you do this fine time of year. Only one photo per animal (this rule can be broken if you have more than one photo that is totally pawesome - you will know if you can break the rule.)
All submissions must be in by 10:00pm CST on Sunday June 28.
My mom will pick the 5 finalists and then you will vote!
email: emilyandian @ (take out the spaces)
Let the competition begin! Woot!

And this is a pic of me looking like a handsome chap.

Ike's mom here: he doesn't want to talk about it, but his eye is looking a little better. I don't want to jinx it, but it appears to be healing faster than the last grid. I think the healing vibes are working, so keep sending them his way! We will know more by early this week, so paws crossed!


Jackson and Patrick said...

We entered - sent you an email! Can't wait to see all the awesome pictures!

Duke said...

We're crankin' up the AireZen, Ike! We want that eye to heal ASAP!
We'll be working on that summer shot!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Dexter said...

Hey Ike! You keep doing what you're doing. Sounds like the eye is improving.

I will endeavor to find a suitable photo of my large and handsome self.


Joe Stains said...

I am off to find me a GREAT photo!

Stanley said...

Yo, Ike!

I'm alloverthisphotothing. I'll get my girl to send you something snappy. Hey, can I send one for Stella too?

Still sending you stinkin' strong goober vibes toward your eye, man. Hope they help.

Goober love & smooches,

Mack said...

We are soooo glad your eye is healing.

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

WOO HOO on the eye news!


Duke said...

We just sent you our photo, Ike!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

wally said...

OMD! I think we need to go get a new WALLYMELON for THIS! By the way I'm pretty sure that Wallymelon and bacon are really good for your eye. Not in your eye, though, in you mouth.

wally t.

ps. My ma ape thanks your mom for the info about the eye ulcers but now she looks at my eyes all the time just to be sure! YEESH!

Lorenza said...

Hi, Ike!
Glad to know your eye is a little better.
Paws crossed!
I will send you a picture!
Kisses and hugs

doyle and mollie said...

where do i find your email ike so i can enter too

Lucy-Fur, as typed by Dr. Liz said...

Mom's sorting through pictures - I hope I've got something! Glad to hear the eye is doing better!

*kissey face*

Archie and Melissa said...

hi ike!
it is so nice to meet you!
we are friends of clover's and wanted to come by and say hello!
what a great contest!
we are so glad that your eye is feeling better!
:) melissa and emmitt

Golden Daily Scoop said...

Hi Ike, I got your link through my furiends Bijou and Banjo, what a great blog, I am going send you an email of my photo for the contest.


p.s. hope your eye feels better!!!

Checkers & Chess said...

Hi Ike - nice to meet you - I've sent a picture for the contest -

Bijou said...

Hi Ike,

Glad to hear your eye is healing well. Thanks for having the Summer Photo Contest!

Wags & wiggles,