Friday, March 30, 2007

Happy Birthday Dad!

Today is my dad's birthday and he's 30 which is like 400 in dog years!


Buster the Wired Fox Terror said...

Happy Burpday!

Bussie Kissies

Tadpole said...

Happy Birthday, Ike's Dad! Hope you get lots and lots of doggie kisses!

The Brat Pack said...

Happy B-Day to Ike's Dad!

The Brat Pack

Balboa said...

Tell your dad I said Happy Birthday. I bet getting kisses from you was the best birthday gift he got.

Cute pic!

e said...

HI Ike
Nice to meet ya!
Happy bday to your pa. We love it that you stick your tongue out in so many pics


Peanut said...

Happy birthday to your dad.

Deanna said...

Happy Birthday!

Duke said...

Happy birthday Ike's dad! I hope you have pizza for his birthday celebration Ike so you can have some too!

Love ya lots,

Anonymous said...

Ike, I hope your dad has a good day. Maybe he'll take you out for an ice cream cone to celebrate!

wally said...

Happy Burpday, Ike's Da! Ike, I hope you got some burpday cake!


Opy - the Original GruffPuppy said...

Happy Barkday to your dad - I hope he had a nice day :-)


Myeo said...

Happy Barkday..oops Birthday, we mean to Ike's Dad.

Boy n Baby

Joe Stains said...

Happy birthday to ike's dad!!!

Huskee and Hershey said...

Happy 400th Birthday, Ike's dad!!

Sophie Brador said...

Hey Ike, It looks like you have the same colour fur as your dad does. Was that pic taken before or after his big party.

I love all the photos of you with your tongue sticking out. There is a BT in my dog park who does the same thing all the time. Her name is Tequila. Maybe she's your soul mate.

Anonymous said...

30? Wow! I don't think we'll get that old... is that why your dad is sleeping?