Saffron here: it seems we cats are getting blamed for this eye problem the stinky brown one has. It's quite possible the idiot scratched his cornea when he was wiggling around on his back like an uncontrolled epileptic. I know some cats in this house aren't exactly known for their undying love of smelly bed hogs, but to blame us - me especially - is an injustice!
I'm sure you don't recognize me because I never get any blog time.

This is Duncan: Ike chases me all the time. We play. We are friends sometimes. I like Ike. I didn't do it. I'm gonna go now.
This is when I used to be a kitten.

Now I am big like this.

Odin here: Listen, I'm 14 years old, and I sleep a lot. I'm usually on the bed or the couch. On a good day I will fight with Saffron. There is a lot of photographic evidence of Ike and I snuggling. I'm a lover, not a hater. Blaming me for this assault is ridiculous. This is so tiring.
This is a picture of me awake. Cherish it. It's rare.

Look at how we love each other.

Ike's mom here: Well, as you can see, no one is owning up to the assault on Ike's cornea. I suppose it's possible he scratched it while roaching. He had a checkup on Friday, and there was no change. We are happy it's no worse. Tomorrow, or Wednesday, it will be checked again, and hopefully it will have healed.
This is IKE! Auntie Kathryn had surgery a couple of days ago on her back because she squished out a disc in her back and then they had some problems so she is still in the hospital so I am wishing that she could go home today and that she will heal really fast so she will be ok for her wedding in a couple of months. And she has been in pain for a year! GET BETTER AUNTIE KATHRYN!
And this is auntie Kathryn and uncle Ansel at their surprise engagement party at Buca's and I wasn't invited!