Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Grandma's BF.

My grandma's best friend, Cheryl, is in the hospital - she has septicemia (for all you non-medical doggies out there, that's bacteria in her blood.) She's the most critical patient in the hospital. My grandma is very scared. Cheryl needs lots of healing vibes, fast.

These are my healing vibes.


Randi said...

Hi Ike..we are sending lots of good vibes to your Gma's mom once had bacteria in her blood...about 10 years ago..but it was a pretty mind no hospital..but it is very scary...I am sending lots of love, & licks & tickles to your Gma's friend..

Love & Licks,

Duke said...

We're sending lots of AireZen to your grandma's friend, Cheryl! Paws are crossed that she heals fast! Keep us updated, okay Ike?

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Unknown said...

we are sending all the vibes we can manage to get out across the internets. our eyes are crossed we are trying so hard!!!!!!!!

Ruby Bleu said...

OK...paws crossed and sending lots of licks too!


Jen and Suki said...

I'm sending all of my healing puggy vibes Cheryl's way. I hope she is all better soon. That must be so scary.

Lorenza said...

Hi, Ike
I am sending Cheryl good vibes hoping she will get better soon!
Kisses and hugs

Martha said...

Oh no. I hope Cheryl is one the mend ASAP! Love, Martha

Peanut said...

Oh we hope cheryl is okay. Sending good vibes her way.

Anonymous said...

We are sending lots of purrs and good doggie thoughts for Cheryl.

Riley, Tiki, & Kesey

Ralph said...

I will woof an extra good vibe to her and her family.


Lenny said...

Sending healthy quick healing vibes her way!!

Your friend, Lenny

Stanley said...


Tell your grandma Stella & I are sending healing goober smooches and prayers for Cheryl's recovery! Please keep us posted, buddy, and give your grandma a hug & a big goober smooch from me.

Goob love,

Balboa said...

send all my good thoughts too, your grandma's friends is in our prayers.

Balboa and Mommy

Suki & Joey said...

Oh, noes! We're also sending out lots of healing vibes to Cheryl. We hope she gets better, soon.

As far as Joey's peeing goes, he does seem to have stopped doing it as much, but, last night, while the hoomans were at the movies, he peed on Ava's pile of dress-up clothes. But since Mom has started closing all the doors during the day so he can't sneak off, he's been peeing less :)

Puggy kisses

Sir Chance-Lot said...

OM...OM....OM....HEAL THE GRANDMA....!!!!

Love the wedding pics Ike...
Stay strong ..
Sir PrayingforIke'sgranma~Alot

Sir Chance-Lot said...

..Big NEws..I was nominated for Best Blog Award in DWB's. I am so honored! Would You stop by and vote for me..the race is ON!

wally said...

OH no Ike. We will be keeping our paws crossed.


The WriggleButts said...

We hope your grandma's friend is feeling better! We'll keep our paws crossed!

The WriggleButts

Sophie Brador said...

Hey Ike, I am crossing my paws and thinking really big healing thoughts for Cheryl. I just know we can all make her better.

Myeo said...

We are sending vibes over. We hope she will get well soon

Boy n Baby