Thanks everyone for the healing vibes for my grandma's friend, Cheryl. She is still in the hospital on a respirator and still critical, but she's stable and making minor improvements every day. So we still need more vibes sent her way. I think if they allowed dogs in the critical care ward, there wouldn't be anyone there because we would make them all better.
I hear ya Ike...we pups would cure everyone!!! I'll keep sending good vibes!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
oh man, we are sending more and more and more vibes!
Hey, Ike Man!
Glad Cheryl is stable. Still sending the healing goober smooches her way.
You look like you have a lot of experience as a nap facilitator. My girl says she wouldn't mind waking up to a cute pup face (and tongue) like yours. I won't ever sleep that close to her.
Does your dad know that you took that photo of him?
Goober love,
Oh Ike, I just read about Cheryl. I'm sending my pawsitive vibes over to ya too!!
We think your are right. We will continue to pray for Cheryl.
Boy n Baby
More AireZen is being sent to Cheryl. We want her to get well real soon!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
All paws and hands still crossed here for cheryl
Vibes still coming! I'm glad she's improving!!
Your friend, Lenny
Click here to visit me at Our Home for the Holiday
Cute pics!!!
Sir XmasBacon
All the best vibes in the world to Cheryl
Oh man, you are a good nap helper! I can tell by that picture. I am sending healing vibes too, and lots of puggie hugs and kisses.
Love Clover xo
Hi, Ike
Nice picture of you and your Dad!
We are sending more and more good vibes!
Have a nice day
Heheehee.. I hope you won't get into any trouble with your dad for posting the photo of him sleeping!
Hi Ike,
Yeah... and MY hoomans think I am kidding when I tell them I have healing paw-ers.. sheesh...
Hey Ike - Glad Cheryl is doing better & you are right..the way to free health care in this country is to GIVE IT TO THE DOGS! We'll heal everyone for free...well, cookies & snacks would be nice payment...but we'd lick, lick, lick our way to curing everything!
You are a super duper napper..glad you can help your pops out!
Love & Licks,
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