Tuesday, November 27, 2007

My most beautifulest wife.

So my wife, Martha, sent me a gift package yesterday and there were beefy treats and a sausage and a really cool camo shirt that makes me look like a bad-ass thug and Martha has a matching one in pink. I love my wife!


Ruby Bleu said...

you totally look bad-ass Ike...so handsome!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Martha said...

OMD! You are so handsome and tuff looking! I need to get my Mom to take photos of me in my matching pink. I love you! Love, Martha

Jessica said...

How romantic. Maybe someday my Joey and I will get married too.

Love, Zoe

Peanut said...

You are really really really bad ass in that shirt.

Poppy said...

Cool! Does it have a hood too? My ears are too big for a hood.


Joe Stains said...

Holy crap you look tough! my mom buys me puppy pajamas and you get a tough hoody!

Girl Girl Hamster said...

You sure have a very pawsome wife

~ Girl girl

Duke said...

What a thoughtful wife you have, Ike! We love husband and wife teams that coordinate their clothing!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Stanley said...

Ike Man!

You've ALWAYS looked pretty bad ass to me. Now you look baddER and assER to me!

Your Martha LOOOOOOVES ya, man! You're a lucky dog.

Goober love & smooches,

wally said...

Totally bad-ass. I wouldn't mess with you and I'd mess with anybody (mostly bigger somebodies.)


Lorenza said...

Hi, Ike
You look great! Sure Martha is the best!
Have a good night

Myeo said...

You are so lucky to have Martha for your wife. Obviously she has great taste. You look great in both tops.

Boy n Baby

Tadpole said...

Fo' shizzle....

Wives seem pretty cool!

The Brat Pack said...

You look pawsome!! Maybe I need a spouse.


Sophie Brador said...

Hey Ike, My mom has been so swamped lately that I;ve barely had a chance to visit. I see you are still as cute as ever ... that's not flirting, just a fact. I know you're married. Love the new hoodie!


Balboa said...

WOW, your wife sure knows how to keep you happy!!!!!

Frenchie Snorts

Randi said...

Oh Ike! You look smashing! & soo very handsome! Your wife Martha has such great taste!

Love & Licks,

Eddie N Peaches said...

Yes, you are bad-ass. I can just hear your Grrrrrrrrr.
Whoofs & Baroos,
Eddie, Peaches & Bella

Luckie Girl said...

Hey Ike,
Martha really knows your taste. YOu carry off that look so well. :)

Clover said...

Ike, what a great new shirt! Your wife sure has great taste, and she really loves you, I can tell.
Love Clover xo