Here's the picture they used so you know what to look for.

And my mom didn't scan the article for this post because that's copyright infringement, and the article is by a psychic so she would totally know.
Edit: I think you can buy the magazine at Barnes and Noble if you want to get it and look at me published in a magazine!

And Ruby gave me this award because she's the best! And I want to award Martha and Peanut and GirlGirl.
OMD you are really published!!! I can't wait till my issue comes in. Can I get your pawtograph???
Lots of Licks, Ruby
Oh we don't get that magazine. I'm sad now I don't get to read about you and see your picture in print.
LOL she WOULD totally know, good thinking. Mom doesn't even know where she can buy Modern Dog but she will look in the bookstores. Congrats dude!!
OMG, you're famous, Ike! We have to get a copy of this magazine! Congratulations!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Wow, you are famous. We want Mom to go out and get that magazine for us right away. We can hardly wait.
Love, Seadra and Zoe
Hey Ike, That's super cool. I wonder if we get that magazine in Canada. Sorry about the snow. I've been trying to come up with some way to keep it all for ourselves, but they won't let me put up a big snow fence at the border. I can't figure out what their problem is with it. Maybe if you try sweet talking them from your end. You might have some pull, now that you're famous. You better not go all Paris on us!
OMD! You are so handsome and smart. I am making my Mom run to B&N RIGHT NOW! And thanks for the award. Love you! Martha
I thank you very much for the award. To get it from you and Marvin is just the best.
Hi, Ike
Congratulations famous friend!
I am so vewy impwessed..congwatulations on being published!!
I hope you and you wife Martha and youw pawents have a vewy Happy Thanksgiving
smoochie kisses
Wow Ike! You know how Minnesotans get all crazy about local people when they become celebrities (like Josh Hartnet, Prince, Jesse Ventura and Bob Dylan). One can only imagine how they will behave now that we have a famous dog. PUHLEASE be careful now on your walks down Summit and take care to avoid the puparazzi.
Mommy and I are going to get that magazine this weekend. So cool!
Congrat, congrat for both the magazine & award.
Sweet!! I will ask mom to pick one of those magazines up for me! Should make for some enjoyable material to read while I am recovering from my surgery...
Love Clover xo
my mom reads that magazine - i'm going to make her show me your photo.
congrats on being famous!
Ike, may I have your pawtograph? You are famous!!
Woh you look so good in the picture Ike. :)
Thanks for the award.
~ Girl girl
Whoa! You're, like, totally famous! Don't forget us little people, er, dogs, ok? And when are you going to go on a bender, crash your Hummer, and wind up in rehab?
DOG, Ike! You are usually so above the fray and all the bullshit of mainstream life. But, duuuude! You're a published pup. Can't wait to read the article.
Goob love,
Pee Ess
Does the article include photos of you at home with Martha discussing decorating options or anything?
That is just great to be published.. We will have to head over to Barnes and Nobles and check it out...
My oh my!! You are famous Ike!!We don't get that magazine here.. can you tell me what the article is about? I am dying to know..
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