Monday, November 5, 2007

Back home.

So we're home from the honeymoon which was awesome and what do I find but a sick mom which is also awesome because that means we get to spend the day together and catch up. But I do have to listen to all the annoying coughing and complaining. Whatever.
This is one of my favorite pics from the wedding because it has a bunch of my friends in it.

Sorry this post is so short - I have to get some sleep!


Randi said...

Hi Ike!

Thank you so much for the pic from the wedding! We all look smashing...Do you know what you are going to get Martha for the holidays? Better start thinking...girls love shiny things!

Love & Licks,

Frasier said...

Hi Ike
Thats a great picture.Hows life as a married dog ?

Asta said...

It weally was one of the most bootifullest.weddings evew!!! I've nevew seen a mowe gowgeous and happy couple than you and youw Martha..I was thwilled to be able to attend! that is a tewwific pictoowe
I hope youw Mom gets bettew vewy soon
smoochie kisses

Duke said...

We had a wonderful time at your wedding, Ike! Everything was so lovely, the food was top shelf and the friends were the best! Thank you so much for inviting us.

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Joe Stains said...

you guys must be SO SO tired. So you guys are married, how often are you going to get together?!

Ruby Bleu said...

Welcome home!!! What a lovely photo...I'm finding (since Mom upgraded the 'pooter) that it's been a little difficult to 'develop' the wedding pictures I took. Please forgive me. Hopefully they are not lost furever...keep your paws crossed!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Stanley said...


Glad you're back, man, and had a great time. Get some rest.

So, is Martha moving in with you and your parents or are you moving over to her house?

Goob love,

Lorenza said...

Hi, Ike
I hope your mom gets better soon!
I had the same question... are you going to live together?? At your home, at hers??
Thanks for sharing that picture!
Have a good night

Sophie Brador said...

Ike! I love all the wedding pictures. I hope your mom feels better soon. She has to get to work at being a mother-in-law.


Jessica said...

Welcome home!! Great picture.

Hope your Mom is feeling better.

Love, Seadra and Zoe

Clover said...

Hi Ike,
That is a great pic! Welcome home!
Give your mom a puppy hug and kiss from me - it helps to make people feel better.
Love Clover xo

Russell said...

welcome back


Snowball said...

Hi Ike,

I love the group picture. I had a good time at the wedding. Where is Martha? IS she still recovering from the wedding cos her blog hasn't been updated.


Huskee and Hershey said...

So how's married life, my friend?
** Hope your mom is feeling better now!

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Yeah. I bet your mom will get better soon now that you're back

~ Girl girl

Suki & Joey said...

Glad you're back from the honeymoon, though I'm sure you're not!

You really peed on the bed in between your parent's heads? SO COOL! OMG, I told Joey and I think you're his new hero or something.

Puggy kisses

Suki & Joey said...

Oh, and I hope your Mom feels better soon! :)

Martha said...

That's a great photo of all of us! I hope your Mom feels better soon.

And for all who ask, I think we'll be doing the long distance stuff for a bit. My Mom would be very, very sad if I left her and I bet Ike's Mom would feel the same. Love, Martha

Myeo said...

Is life different now that you are a married man?

We hope your mom will be well soon.

Boy n Baby

Patience-please said...

Hi we're rather new and didn't crash - er - go to your wedding. Looks superfantastic!
Glad you got home safe and hope your human feels better.

the whippet waggle

Peanut said...

I'm sorry I missed the wedding. I wish I could have been there. It looked bootiful. I hope your mom feels better soon.