Monday, June 16, 2008

Happy Papa's Day, Dad!

Isn't my dad great?


Ruby Bleu said...

Awwww that sleepy picture of you and him is the bestest!!!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Peanut said...

Of course he's great.

Duke said...

awwwwwwwwww, we just love that last picture of you and your dad together, Ike! Happy father's day to your dad!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Murphy Dogg said...

Hey Ike,
Your dad is awesome ... almost as awesome as mine! Looks like he's a napper too. Naps rock so hard.
Murphy Dogg

Joe Stains said...

dang that last picture might just put you over the top of the cute meter my friend.

Mack said...

You sleep next to the cat? Man you are really brave.

I hope you gave your dad a cuddle or two and a lick with your awesome tongue on Dad's Day!

wally said...

He looks like a keeper!


Lorenza said...

Hi, Ike!
I know how much you love your Dad!
I hope you had a great day with him!
Great pictures Ike!
Kisses and hugs

Sophie Brador said...

You're camping! I'm jealous. Your dad looks pretty cool too.


Jen and Suki said...

What a pawsome way to show your dad how much you care. I super love the life jacket picture.

Willie and Waylon said...

WE love our dad too! We have the same life vest as you - we do not know why the humans think it is fun to carry us by the handle on our life vests - it is like we are a purse or something.

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Woh, looks like you and your dad had a pawsome father's day

~ Girl girl

Pug(s) and Bugg said...

omd... you two are SO cute! You could be, like... twins!

Petra said...

Oh, Ike, those pictures are great. My favoritest of all is the last one. It looks like you made your dad very happy on father's day!

Myeo said...

You are cool, so he must be cool too. Happy Father's Day to Ike's Dad!

Boy n Baby

Clover said...

Aw, Ike!! Those are great pictures of you and your dad!
Love Clover xo

Deefor said...

He looks cuddly and licky like my bearded dad.


Stanley said...


I have NO IDEA what it's like to have a dad, but if I had one I'd want him to be as cool as yours.

You two really have a lot in common. I bet your mama LOVES that last snuggle pic of you two.

Goober love,

Anonymous said...

Hello Ike, I am Peanut. I love your life jacket. It must be very handy that your Dad can pick you up so easily. Have a great weekend!
