Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Grand Old Day!

So every year there is this festival a couple of blocks from my house on Grand Avenue and it's called Grand Old Day and it's just during the day and there are bands and food and lots of really drunk people cooking in the sun. I went for an hour with my mom and dad and Uncle Ansel and Auntie Kathryn and I got to smell some of the best smells in the whole world. They gave me a deep fried cheese curd - which is pretty much my favorite - and I got to lick an ice chunk and I tried to eat lots of stuff off the ground which made my mom and dad pull me a lot - and I tried to eat some vomit, but my mom said NOOOOO! A bunch of people came up to me and said I am super cute and that they have never seen a brown Boston terrier before which is pretty awesome.
Unfortunately, my stupid rents didn't bring the camera, so the only pics we have are cell phone pics that my uncle took and he hasn't emailed them yet so I will call him and add them later.


Ruby Bleu said...

That sounds like fun Ike...and I agree, you are pretty cute!!!

Lots of Licks, ruby

Lizzy said...


I don't blame everyone for sayin' that you are cute, 'cause you really are! I've never seen a brown Boston Terrier before, either...

Sounds like there was lots of yummy food around! I wonder why you weren't allowed to eat the vomit? Silly humans...


Nazila Merati said...

My moms llllllllllllllove St.Paul and Grand Avenue.

Maybe they'll fly me nonstop (double miles) to visit you!

I love cheese curds, not a big fan of barf.



Duke said...

This event sounds like loads of fun to us and lots of good stuff to eat!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Peanut said...

Oh what fun.

Jen and Suki said...

We were on the look-out for you, but no luck. I met a frenchy-pug and THAT was super cool. And I ate a ton of questionable stuff off the ground. But no puke. Mom hates the drunkies.

wally said...

Deep fried curd with vomit chaser? Quite a day.


Lorenza said...

Hi, Ike!
Sounds like a great day! Yummy food! I am not so sure about the vomit thing!
Kisses and hugs

Sophie Brador said...

OMD! if you are into cheese curds, you would love poutine (http://www.montrealpoutine.com). And even if you vomited afterward, it would be totally worth it!


Girl Girl Hamster said...

Yeah you're cute Ike, I'm not surprised those hoomans like you. Can't wait to see your photos

~ Girl girl

Dexter said...

I'm sure that the puckers must have had grapes or chocolate in it. Otherwise you would have been allowed to snack on it for sure.


Petra said...

It sounds like you had a grand old time, Ike! I wish I could have been there with you.

Dining Alone said...

Mom had those deep fried cheese curds when she was in Minnesota, she liked them. They just opened a Culver's Butter Burger here so she wants to go get some more!

Mack said...

Sounds like you had great fun!
I know how you feel about the puke - my mom won't let me eat it either!

Clover said...

Hi Ike!
A deep fried cheese curd?! Cool! You are really cute (and brown is so cool!!) so I can see why you got so much attention.
Love Clover xo

Murphy Dogg said...

What's a deep-fried cheese curd?

Deefor said...

I love walking around places like that. Lots of yummy licking on the ground. Anything with cheese in it I like. People think dogs are messy, but they always drop food. Thank dog.


wally said...


The picture really makes the post. Though I do want to see--and taste--one of those cheese curd thingies.


ps. No more bros! My ma ape is already having to walk us in shifts. She's a bit exhausted.