This is a picture of me trying to get into my package.

And this is a picture of me investigating the decadent odors emanating from said package.

And this is a picture of all the cool stuff Wally and Ethel gave me and Saffron is trying to get all up into my presents! I got a bag of Snackfish - like crab cakes only better, a bag of dried Pacific Whiting fish, a fish-skin roll-up, 3 - count 'em 3! bully sticks and a card and a thing that my mom blows on and a paper thing shoots out - I think that one is for my mom because I don't get it and she always likes things that I don't get.

And this is a picture of me chewing on bull penis - ha, Mom!

Edit: OMG - my mom just checked the bubble bag and there was a Wally magnet in there - the best ever!
Ike--You and me--BPP--Bull Penis Pals! Hmmm. That sounded better in my head. I hope you enjoy all the snacks and eatables.
Yay Ike! Wally gives the BEST presents! He's awesome.
We've never heard of bully sticks. Are they really what you say they are? Tell us it isn't so.
Love, Seadra and Zoe
Bull Penis are the best treat ever. Next is fish snacks. You got great presents
It is sooooooooo so.
Seadra and Zoe
oh ike you are SO LUCKY! Mom thinks those bullys are gross too but she gives in and gets them for us!
Bull Penis rocks.
PS Wally is so awesome!
okay Ike, What did you have to do to get a Wally magnet?
I love BP's too! They're the yummiest and the longer the better!
Wally sends awesome gifts! Lucky you Ike!
Love ya lots,
Wow, is that a paper bag with Wally's picture on it? How cool!!!
Is bully stick a treat?
My ma ape says the link you gave me has turned her off food forever.
hi Ike,
dats a lot of treats from Wally!
*sigh* i guess i wun be getting bully sticks anytime soon, cos my Jiejie thinks they'r gross too!
Wow totally scored! And I LOVE bully sticks. My mom thinks they are so gross too...but I think she gives in because they seem to puppysit me well...whatever that means!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
If decadence is what you desire, just live it to Wally! He's an expert. I believe he has perfected the hedonistic pursuits. I'm sure Ethel is a little more pure than that!
Enjoy your bull penis! (I've never had one yet - that's not a hint by the way - just a sad sad fact).
Goober love,
Ummm...why didn't I know that's what bully sticks are? I'm feeling pretty sick right about now.
Puggy pukes
I am glad I've never eaten a bull penis,
But if you like them, then enjoy dude.
Hey adoption days are even better than birthday, they day you are adopted is the day you find your forever family and how cool is that!!!!!
Frenchie Snorts
Hi, Ike.
You got very nice presents from Wally! That is nice.
Enjoy them!!
Have a good night
Hey Ike,
I wanna see that WALLY Magnet thingy!!
So that's what bully sticks are made of. No wonder they came in different sizes if you get what I mean? LOL!
Ikes, those presents are nice! Have your mom email my mom at marthaboston @
Wow - great presents. You're a lucky dog, Ike.
Bull penis? Is that really what a bully stick is made of?
(Seriously? Please let me know - I am going to vomit - Saidie's mom)
♥ Saidie
wait.. are those really bull *****??! I am feeling sick.. *feeling faint*
What great gifts you got there.
Boy n Baby
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