Tuesday, July 17, 2007

New Boston.

Hey guys - just a quick post here because there is a new Boston on the scene and his name is BT and he seems like a cool dude so you should stop by and say hi!

Also - I haven't forgotten about the time capsule challenge - I just need some more time to think.


Ruby Bleu said...

Hey Ike...
Thanks for the 411 on BT...I'll go say hi now!!!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Boo Casanova said...

ike, yes, you can have your title of "most handsome dog", i'll just name myself as the most handsome dog for asia then. LOL

wet wet licks


Duke said...

He looks kinda grumpy to me! hehehehe
We're on our way to say hi!

Love ya lots,

Luckie Girl said...

Hey Ike,
Another BT? Oh wow, I think the puggies and Bostons are trying to overtake the blogging world!!!

Joe Stains said...

woo another BT we need more! more!

Laura said...

wow, thanks for the shout-out ike!

hi everyone!

Jessica said...

We stopped by his blog earlier today. He's already on our friends list.

Boston Power!!

Love, Seadra

jenn said...

Ooohhhhh, he is handsome! But not as handsome as you, Ikester. You are the hansomest!

Even if you already have a gf.

pining for you,