Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Feeling hot, hot, hot.

It's really hot and humid around here so no good walkies and I'm really bored and I just got caught chewing on one of my mom's baskets and she was really mad, but what's a dog to do? My eyes are back to normal, and we're just going to watch the cataracts and see what happens. Hope all you other doggies and Girl, Girl have stuff to do.
Oh, and there's talk of a bath today.
And this is a picture of me being really bored.


Balboa said...

Not only is it hot, but now you're gonna be tortured with a bath. HOW RUDE!!!!!

Frenchie SNorts

Ruby Bleu said...

Hey Ike...

You do look bored. I think you need a new toy or a bully stick to keep you occupied!!!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Stanley said...


You could act, man. I felt the pathos reach out to me *through* the computer screen, then it oozed through my skin and now I'm stinkin' bored.

Glad your eyes are not so eery and your poopills are back to normal size. AireZen to ya, man, on the cataracts.

Goober love,
Your BPP Stanley

Duke said...

Yup, you look totally bored! I think it's time for a frosty paw!

Love ya lots,

Bernard Hinault Lilje said...

Well yo may be bored-- but you look cute! I'm in prison right now till my mom gets home from work---enjoy your freedom...errr, boredom!


Peanut said...

I hate to say it but a bath might help cool you down. Not that you should let your mom know that or anything.

Lorenza said...

Hi, Ike.
Here is pretty hot too! I can't go out because of this!! I understand you. Ask your mom for some frosties, I am sure that will help you!
Be nice and don't destroy your mom stuff!
Have a good night

Joe Stains said...

its hot and gross and humid and yucky here too!

Huskee and Hershey said...

Hi Ike,
Wow.. I can tell from the photo that you are REALLY bored huh.. Umm.. actually ur look's quite cute.

Ferndoggle said...

Bored AND a bath???? I think lots of cookies are in order.


Ume said...

it's raining on my side tho... so the weather has been quite cool lately...

Tadpole said...

I'm bored just looking at you, man.

Unknown said...

Ike- tho' you look pretty bored, gotta say with that studded collar on ... I wouldn't want to meet ya in a dark alley. You look sooo tough!


wally said...

Too hot to be bored. BATH? That's not right.


Jessica said...

Ike.....You really do look bored but you still look so handsome!! Your parents are right, you do hold handsome for randsome.

Love your looks.

Love, Seadra and Zoe

Luckie Girl said...

I could send you some snow....:P Singapore has been rather cool lately. Nice cool breeze with RAIN!

Urban Smoothie Read said...

it can b very frustrating when hot....n very sad when rain either...coz both meant no walkies..

The Brat Pack said...

We're bored too. We're tired of Mom having a real job where she leaves us.

We hope Fall comes fast.

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Oh no.. you're getting a bath?? Why??? I hope you manage to find something fun to do. It's really boring to be bored..

~ girl girl

Miss Reina said...

Oh gosh, it is cold cold cold here. Lets hope that the rain will soon move to the other side of the world!

Myeo said...

Hey Ike

You still look handsome when you are bored..hehe

Btw, thanks for the card that you made. We will be posting about it soon.

Boy n Baby