Sunday, July 15, 2007


So my friend Stanley is looking for smiles and I'm more of a tongue exposer than a tooth exposer so my mom went through my huge picture folder and found a few. Here I am smiling.

Also, I am now this!


Ruby Bleu said...

Hey Ike,
You have such a very handsome smile! No wonder Martha is in love with you... *sigh*

Lots of Licks, Ruby

P(ee)S: I met another brown BT today at the park. She was a total cutie. I didn't get a picture, but next time I will!

wally said...

Awesome smileys, Ike! I especially like the progression. In the first one it looks like your school picture in the first grade and by the end it is your college graduation and you're passed out on the frat couch.


Martha said...

Oh, Ikes, you melt my heart. Love, Martha

Duke said...

I've been waiting to see your smile Ike! Love that tongue!

Love ya lots,

Lorenza said...

Hi, Ike.
You have a very special smile! I like it!
Congratulations rockin' guy!
Have a good night

Joe Stains said...

your smiles are amazing, we did this too but my smile is not nearly as cool as yours!

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Hee Ike, you sure look cute exposing yout tongue :)
~ girl girl

Anonymous said...

That last one is the best!

Sophie Brador

Myeo said...

You look extremely happy in the first photo. Lovely Smile!

Boy n Baby

Stanley said...


You melt my heart too...
because now I realize there is another goober out there, AND IT'S YOU, MAN!

Your goober bud,

Did your mom dress you for that first photo?

Suki & Joey said...

I'm not a big teeth-shower, either. Like you, I prefer to let the world see my glorious tongue :)

Puggy kisses

Jessica said...

Oh you do have the best smile and that tongue makes it all the better.

Love, Seadra and Zoe

Laura said...

ike - you're such a happy guy!
i hope you don't mind.. i'm linking your blog off of mine, so i can check your blog out often!
- bt

Tadpole said...

Wow - I don't know what to say about that last one...!

I, too, never smile with my teethies. Ever.

Balboa said...

the tongue and that smile, so great dude!

Frenchie Snorts

Gwyn Valentine said...

AWESOME SMILE!!!!! Boston terriers score best in the SMILES!