Wednesday, April 25, 2007

To the park.

So today, we went to the park with my mom's friend Jen and her two little humans named Eleanor and Charlie and we also went with their dog Leo who is half basset hound and half lab. And sometimes, well most of the time, when I meet new dogs, I don't like them and Leo was no different. Even though he was nice to me I snapped at him a couple of times and I don't know what's wrong with me and I eventually learned to ignore him which was better than snapping. Oh, and he had to pee on everything I peed on. And he did the coolest thing on the way back to their house - he drank a bunch of water and then barfed on the sidewalk - it was a tidal wave of goldfish crackers and water and was totally awesome and my mom couldn't stop laughing and Jen was like 'oh no, what do I do' so we just kept walking. So I guess Leo's ok.

And this is a picture of Leo.

And this is a picture of me because it's my blog, not Leo's.


Ruby Bleu said...

Hey Ike...
Some dog barfed at the park the other day was gross. You know you can never be sure of other were probably just trying to check Leo out and it came out as a snap???

Looks like you had a nice day...did you run a lot? I like to run.

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Myeo said...

Our Mama think the barfing thing is funny too. Weird woman.

Boy n Baby

Duke said...

Poor Leo! I hope his tummy is feeling better!

Love ya lots,

Tadpole said...

Ha ha ha!!! Goldfish and water puke on the sidewalk!!! That's HILARIOUS!!!

Suki & Joey said...

Hey there Ike,
Leo looks like a cool dog but that's too bad that you guys didn't get along so well. That happens sometimes. I've never met a dog I didn't like, but I have met plenty of dogs that didn't like me. Hehehe...

Puggy kisses

Buster the Wired Fox Terror said...

Did you get to eat any of the barf or did THEY drag you away?

I'm not the friendliest guy either.

Bussie Kissies

Balboa said...

First of all you look so cool dude in picture, I think Leo's jealous of your style!

Thank dog he didn't puke on you!

Frenchie Kisses,

Joe Stains said...

I drink water REAL fast and then barf too, its the best!!!!!

wally said...

Hey--an (Am)bassador! Leo looks like he's shaped like me. Awesome. And he randomly barfs. Awesome, too!

I snap at other dogs, too. We short guys gotta look out for ourselves. It's nice that you were eventually able to chill. I don't always reach that zen stage.


wally said...

ps. we're getting our clocks cleaned at the DWB photo contest. Though you have twice as many votes as me!


Peanut said...

Oh the water thing sounds great. Totally cool. You need to be nicer to dogs you meet. I bet you Leo would have been a good friend.

Jessica said...

Hey Ike, Thanks for visiting my new blog the other day. We are doing something Mom is calling "Dog Sitting" this weekend so I'm learning to get along with another dog too. I haven't quite decided if I trust her yet.

Have a great weekend, Seadra

Anonymous said...

Ike, my love, you look so handsome! I bet you told that smelly bassador where to go. Hounds are stoopid! And smelly! Trust me, I live with 3 of them.

Huskee and Hershey said...

Hi Ike,
Hope that Leo's feeling better now.. It's ok, I am not the friendliest guy around either.. hiak hiak....

Maggie said...

hay ike

Deanna said...

That makes me laugh! Dakota once barfed water at the top of the steps, and it was like a giant waterfall!