Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Can't stop yawning.

So this is what is going on outside which I hate.

And I'm spending another day on the couch, and I can't stop yawning because I've been waiting for spring forever and it's not coming and I'm so bored I don't know what to do and my mom can't stop cleaning because she can't think of anything else to do and I hate this.
Here are some pictures of my yawn-a-thon.


Peanut said...

You are a very good yawner. I am sorry you are so bored.

Nessa Happens said...

you look very cozy. I like snuggly snow days

Except on snow days I turn into a wild beast that demands crazy snow play instead of a snuggly pooch.

Balboa said...

I HATE SNOW. Thankfully you are safe inside. Yawning is hard work, looks like by the third pic you are stretching and yawning.

Frenchie Kisses,

Ruby Bleu said...

Ike it looks pretty chilly, good that you are inside. You are still really handsome even when you yawn!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Joe Stains said...

I sure wish we could send you some warm weather.

Bentley and Niko said...

we've never seen snow! seems like it would taste yummy like ice cream. we finally got a little post, mom has been pretty lazy about her blogs lately.

p.s. your yawns are adorable.

Duke said...

You really do look pretty bored!

Love ya lots,

wally said...

Oh my doG. Snow in April is just not right. I'd like to request you stop posting those adorable photos of yourself, though. You're making my ma ape go all googly and she' only supposed to find ME irresistably adorable.


Ferndoggle said...

Yuck! It's still snowing where you are Ike? I thought we had it bad w/ cold & rain. I'd be yawning too...I'm SO over winter. Bring on Spring!

Lola the little White Boxer

Tadpole said...

Ugh. I know how you feel. We had snow last night too. Disgraceful, I tell you.

Anonymous said...

Every time we yawn, dogmom yells "Oh, what pretty teeth" or something dumb like that. We're getting pretty sick of the snow, too. We're gonna break out and run to Arizona... wanna come?

Suki & Joey said...

What nice pillows you have to rest on! Your yawns are spectacular :)

I'm sure you'll miss the snow when it's the middle of August and you're panting like crazy!

Puggy kisses

Myeo said...

What happened in the last picture? Were you sleeping but the position look pretty awkward. You must be real bored.

Boy n Baby