I am super sad and super missing my grandma and can't believe that she won't be here to celebrate with her only grand-puppy because apparently grandchildren are more important even though they throw temper tantrums for pretty much no reason like because they have to put their pjs on! My temper tantrums are only a little squirt of pee on the floor which is a lot easier to deal with than crocodile tears.
Tomorrow, my mom and dad are going to my mom's work Christmas party and I'm not invited because my mom's boss has two dogs and she thinks that I will go after them which I probably would. One of the dogs is a toy poodle who my mom's boss rescued from this kid who kept breaking the dog's legs. I guess the kid's dad is like a mass murderer or serial killer or something and the townspeople gave him a puppy because it's hard to be the kid of a serial killer but the kid just used the puppy to take out his aggressions which makes me think that kid is going down the same road as pops which is pretty sad.
My mom did the same old boring Photoshop me into an old card trick this year because she's like incapable of change or something. But anyway - here's my new Christmas card a little early because I can't contain how much I want everyone to have a great Christmas. And it especially goes out to Sophie and her mom.

Hi, Ike!
Kids tantrums sure are not funny, right?
My mom did not go to the Christmas Party that her company celebrated. She does not like to drive at night. She does not eat a lot of meat... and it was going to be a "meat feast". She does not like drunk people... and she knows how drunk some of them get! Soooo... my boring mom stayed with me and I really appreciated that!
Your card is beautiful!
Kisses and hugs
Woo khan khome here and be with my Doggy Nanny!
Your mom's boss sounds like a nice man. Bless him!
Your Christmas card is just adorable, Ike!
Merry Christmas!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Ikeman - you crack me up!
My mom was like Lorenza's - plus mom hates about 90% of the people she works with. Sounds like your mom works for decent folk.
Anyhoo, we honestly thought the BT on your postcard was on the original card. Your mom is very arty.
Too bad you can't go to the party. I get left behind a lot too because I do not have good manners off my estate. Imagine!
That is one scary story about the little poodle. Glad he got rescued.
That's a great photoshop job. :)
That is heartbreaking about that poor poodle. I'm glad your mom's boss rescued him.
We got your card and Mom loves it. She put it at the very top of the card door.
Hey Ike,
I totally dig your card! Very retro cool.
Perhaps you need to work on intensifying your tantrums so that your Grandma will visit you instead of the furless grandkids.
Murphy Dogg
Dearest Ike and all at home (especially your sweet Mom),
Stopping by to bark you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year... Happy Howlidays to you and your family!!
That card is beautiful... especially with the little Ike look-a-like!!
Huskee & Hershey (and Shane)
I'm sure if she had a choice she'd be with her grandpuppy because grandkids are a drag.
We loved your card and thought it was totes cool.
Just a small tip--I got sick on the day of my ape's work party so she stayed home with me. If you'd like some tips on faking sick just ask. I can teach you the fainting goat trick. Bad side--it does tend to cause real--not crocodile--tears in the apes. But then they buy you lamb legs and stuff.
wally t.
ps. My ape says if I teach you any of these things I will not get another lamb leg ever because she thinks your mom is too nice to scare like that.
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