Anyhowl - his care is going to be expensive because he might need to be hospitalized. If anyone can spare a buck or two to help him, it would forever be appreciated! My mom has a paypal account and her ID is
I know you are all thinking - hey, your mom works at a vet hospital! - but she only gets free exams and 20% off diagnostics. She can get medications a little over cost, but it still is expensive, because he really needs bloodwork and my mom is poor because she is doing what she loves. She is super embarrassed to be asking for help, but it's for a good cause so she is swallowing her pride. Please pass on his story so people know about him and maybe someone will want to adopt him because he really needs a forever home!
Here are some pics from last night.
This is where I am all "WTF is this?"

This is where the magic happens. I sang the diarrhea song, and my mom told me that's not very nice.

And now I'm like "He's a pretty cool guy!"

And here I realize that he is sick and needs a kiss.

And here's a totally handsome picture of me for Martha!

Wow really are a good nursey. That is one strange looking kitty, but how nice of you and your mom to help. I'll get my Mom's magic plastic card and head on over to paypal.
Hoppy Easter...Lots of Licks, Ruby
Hi, Ike!
Poor kitty!
You and your mom are so nice taking care of him!
Kisses and hugs
Ike! I never knew you were such a caring guy. Much better than that Lacie beast, huh? I am not sure if that is actually a cat. I mean, look at how its dressed.
What a cool looking cat!
Since you and him get along so smashingly, I think your Mom should keep him!
Man, Ike!
I had no idea you were such a cat whisperer. Seriously, you could totally rent yourself out. Bet those smooches have more healing properties than any anti-B's.
We'll head over to paypal sometime late in the night because we want Cosmo to feel better (and because we love your mama's email name).
Goober love,
Mom is asleep, we hacked her paypal. We can do this weekly to see pics of your pawesome tongue...
We hope Smeagol finds a furever home soon.
Whoa! He's wicked cool looking!
But to be honest, I'd like to hear your version of the diarrhea song.
OMGosh Ike you are so dang cute. I hope the best for Cosmo. I have IBD and while it's controlled by Rx diet and meds for life, it took a lot of tests to figure it out and get me stable. I hope that's all it is! I mean, that's bad enough, but once controlled it's not so bad. I'll send vibes Cosmo's way.
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