So my mom and dad just got back from the emergency clinic. Cosmo-Smeagol was doing ok this afternoon and we went over to Auntie Kathryn's house for some burgers. We were there for about four hours, and when we got home, he was really really sick and his temp was so low it didn't register on the thermometer. So they locked me up and rushed him to the emergency room where they are getting him warm and putting him on IV fluids because his butt totally sploded and he lost tons of fluid. And some of his poop was totally undigested cat food still in kibble form. So anyway, Cosmo-Smeagol needs a lot of healing vibes sent his way because we are really worried that he might have intestinal lymphoma instead of IBD, but it could be just really bad, uncontrolled IBD, and the only way to know is to do biopsies and he is in no condition to do that. So please, pass his story on so we can get a butt-load of healing vibes for Cosmo-Smeagol. And again - if you can spare a buck or two, he really needs the money now because my mom had to bust out the emergency credit card, and she is super stressed. Thanks everyone, and we'll keep you posted. Her paypal is And sorry I haven't been to any blogs lately, but, you know.
And this is what I look like right now sending healing vibes because I don't want my new friend to die.
Oh Ike. I'm so sorry that Smeagol is so sick. I could see that you are the best nurse ever and he is lucky to have you and your mom to take care of him. I hope he just has IBD and his insides heal and he can find a diet that works for him. We will have our paws crossed because (shhh..don't tell) even though I talk tuff about cats the truth is that I kind of love them I would love Smeagol anyway because you do.
wally t.
OK, I am sending cat be healed vibes your way. This does sound serious. Undigested cat kibbles? Does the poor little guy have any proper innards or just a pipe?
Your mom must be so worried. Oh dear.
Oh poor Cosmo...I'm sending very loving/healing thoughts to him right now...are you sensing them???
Lots of Licks, Ruby
We will be thinking of Smeagol a lot!!!! Mommy is unemployed but will hopefully donate soon!
We're sending tons of AireZen Cosmo-Smeagol's way! We sure hope he feels better soon!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Oh Ikes. I am so sad for Smeagol! And please give your mom lots of loving, because I'm sure she needs it. Bless her big, loving heart. You guys are the best family he could ever have - he's one lucky naked kitty to have found you all. Healing thoughts and prayers are coming his way....
Poor Smeagol dude. We are sending many many many healing vibes buddy.
Hi, Ike!
I have my paws crossed and my mom is praying for Smeagol!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
Hi Ike,
We just read about your new friend in your earlier post and sorry to hear that he isn't well. He is one very lucky kitty cos he's got your mom and a great nurse (you) taking care of him!
Sending over healing vibes for the poor guy... we know all about 'sploding butt cos Hershey's had a history of them since Jan 09 and only recently the vet recommended yoghurt and it seems to be working. Something about acidophilus.. too complex for me, I'm just a dog.
Hey Ike,
Smeagol looks totally cool! I'm bummed that he' so sick, but he's lucky he's got you and your mom.
I'm gonna make my Mama send some of my Punk Rock Dogg money to help him get better!
Murphy Dogg
Hi, Ike!
Its me again.
How is Smeagol doing today??
I used my mom's card and sent your mom a few bucks. I hope she got it.
Kisses and hugs
Ohhhh Ike,
We are soooo soooo sorry to hear about poor Cosmo-Smeagol.. I am sure you and your mom did the best you could for him and ensured that the short time he spent at your loving home is the best of his short life.
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