1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? Wrapping paper - unless it's a really awkward shape or something or I am super lazy.
2. Real tree or Artificial? Real - I love the way they smell.
3. When do you put up the tree? Usually really late, but this year there will be no tree due to new furniture and no room.
4. Wreath on your door? Nope - just a cheesy brass doorknocker.
5. Do you like eggnog? If it's diluted with mild and doesn't have fake rum flavor. Organic Valley makes a killer nog.
6. Favourite Christmas gift received as a child? My Cabbage Patch Kid - his name was Kim Irving and he had no hair and one tooth. I saw it in my mom's trunk when we were loading the Christmas tree and I was so excited!
7. Easiest person to buy for? Ike's dad.
8. Least easiest? Ike's grandpa Dan. He hates everything.
9. Do you have a nativity scene? No, there's no Santa in them! That's sacrilege! (Just kidding - we're not particulary religious.)
10. Mail or email Christmas cards? Both.
11. Worst Christmas gift you ever received? When I was a teenager, I wanted a ski jacket, and my parents bought me an ankle length puffy coat with a hood (it was the 80s.)
12. Favourite Christmas Movie? A Christmas Story.
13. When do you start shopping for Christmas? Early December.
14. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? Maybe ...
15. Open presents on Christmas eve or morning? I get to open one on Christmas Eve - the rest usually don't get opened until Christmas evening (no young kids around.)
16. Lights on the tree? Old style candle lights that flicker.
17. Favourite Christmas song? Santa Baby (the old one) and The Christmas Song
18. Travel at Christmas or stay home? To my parent's house about 20 minutes away.
19. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer's? Of course!
20. Angel on the tree top or a star? Neither - one of those pointy things.
21. Favourite thing to eat at Christmas? Prime rib and Yorkshire pudding!
22. Most annoying thing about this time of the year? Beach Boys Christmas songs.
23. Favourite Tree ornament, theme or colour? Old European glass.
24. Favourite for Christmas dinner? Prime rib!
25. Brussels Sprouts - love or hate them? They're great done right and awful done wrong.
26. Favourite accompaniment to the Christmas Pud? Custard!
27. Favourite Christmas Carol? Silent Night.
28. Your very Favourite Christmas Thing? When people are surprized and happy!
29. A Christmas wish! To sell our condo next year and move to Washington! And world peace.
30. Tag a Seasonal Six – Martha's mom, Joe Stain's mom, Mango's mom, Darcy, Tito's mom and Suki and Mojo's mom.
And this is a picture of Odin doing his Christmas lights impression. Whatever.

2. Real tree or Artificial? Real - I love the way they smell.
3. When do you put up the tree? Usually really late, but this year there will be no tree due to new furniture and no room.
4. Wreath on your door? Nope - just a cheesy brass doorknocker.
5. Do you like eggnog? If it's diluted with mild and doesn't have fake rum flavor. Organic Valley makes a killer nog.
6. Favourite Christmas gift received as a child? My Cabbage Patch Kid - his name was Kim Irving and he had no hair and one tooth. I saw it in my mom's trunk when we were loading the Christmas tree and I was so excited!
7. Easiest person to buy for? Ike's dad.
8. Least easiest? Ike's grandpa Dan. He hates everything.
9. Do you have a nativity scene? No, there's no Santa in them! That's sacrilege! (Just kidding - we're not particulary religious.)
10. Mail or email Christmas cards? Both.
11. Worst Christmas gift you ever received? When I was a teenager, I wanted a ski jacket, and my parents bought me an ankle length puffy coat with a hood (it was the 80s.)
12. Favourite Christmas Movie? A Christmas Story.
13. When do you start shopping for Christmas? Early December.
14. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? Maybe ...
15. Open presents on Christmas eve or morning? I get to open one on Christmas Eve - the rest usually don't get opened until Christmas evening (no young kids around.)
16. Lights on the tree? Old style candle lights that flicker.
17. Favourite Christmas song? Santa Baby (the old one) and The Christmas Song
18. Travel at Christmas or stay home? To my parent's house about 20 minutes away.
19. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer's? Of course!
20. Angel on the tree top or a star? Neither - one of those pointy things.
21. Favourite thing to eat at Christmas? Prime rib and Yorkshire pudding!
22. Most annoying thing about this time of the year? Beach Boys Christmas songs.
23. Favourite Tree ornament, theme or colour? Old European glass.
24. Favourite for Christmas dinner? Prime rib!
25. Brussels Sprouts - love or hate them? They're great done right and awful done wrong.
26. Favourite accompaniment to the Christmas Pud? Custard!
27. Favourite Christmas Carol? Silent Night.
28. Your very Favourite Christmas Thing? When people are surprized and happy!
29. A Christmas wish! To sell our condo next year and move to Washington! And world peace.
30. Tag a Seasonal Six – Martha's mom, Joe Stain's mom, Mango's mom, Darcy, Tito's mom and Suki and Mojo's mom.
And this is a picture of Odin doing his Christmas lights impression. Whatever.

Hi, Ike!
No christmas tree?? What about a little one?
My mom is thinking on make eggnog without eggs! Can you believe that?
Odin eyes are pawesome!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
IKE!!! That was so nice of you to let you mama do a mama-meme...extra treats in your stocking I say!
& I think you mom can appreciate that if I EVER get a little baby brother...(who will be a newfie) that my momma wants to name him RALPHIE!
Then she'll have RALPHIE & RANDI! Just like the Christmas Story!
My Momma's favorite...
love & licks,
ps..in case you are wondering...I already know how to eat like a little piggy...
That is a pretty fun looking meme. I'm going to get my Mommy to do it too. And I love the pictures of Odin's Christmas eyes!
Our mom loves the smell of the real trees too but she puts ours up way too early for it to be real!
Odin is into the Christmas spirit too!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
I hope you get some of that prime rib.
My brudder growls at nativity scenes on peoples' lawns. I though it might just be that he's evil but maybe, like your mom, he's just PO'd there's no Santa. Ask Odin, he looks like he may know.
wally t.
Dude are you totally sure Odin doesn't have special powers are something? I would be nice to him at all costs!
Thanks, Ike's momma for the great meme!
Hi Ike,
So nice of you to let your mom do a meme!! My mom laughed when she read the answer about Beach Boys Christmas songs - she agrees!!
Love Clover xo
Mom got a terrible coat like that too, so funny. It was FUSCHIA and to her ankles.
Hey Ike,
Maybe I'll let my Mama do one of those too. It seems like a nice gesture that might earn you extra goodies under the tree!
BTW, what's Christmas pud??
Murphy Dogg
Merry Christmas Ike & Odin.
Mom won't get a real tree - says I'd probably run away with it or something! ;)
Stay safe & healthy in 2009!
luv ya
Lola Smiles
Odin scares me.
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