Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas to All!

So this morning I woke up and Santa filled my stocking with treats! I thought I would be getting a new sweater or jacket, but my mom said I have too many, which is pretty awesome because I'm tired of getting new sweaters and I prefer treats!
I hope everyone is having a great Christmas!

What is in this fine-smelling stocking?

This is a picture of me eating a beef stick that was in my stocking and I love it so much, I'm smiling like Joe Stains!


Peanut said...

Merry Christmas you guys

Dexter said...

What a nice goofy smile. Happy holidays.


Stanley said...


Merry Christmas, man! Your face says it all.

Goob love,

wally said...

Merry Christmas Ike! Way to maul Santa!

wally t.

Mack said...

What a haul - looks like Santa was good to you!
Hope you are having a great Christmas!

Lorenza said...

Hi, Ike!
Merry Christmas to you and all your family!
I got pink sweaters (I have too many!) and zero treats!
Enjoy yours!
Kisses and hugs

Duke said...

Yummy to beef sticks, Ike!
Happy holidays to you and your family!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Deefor said...

Looks like you had a yummy Christmas. Treats are the best.


Joe Stains said...

You are TOTALLY smiling!!! Treats are WAY better than stupid clothes.

Sophie Brador said...

Oh no, You better not smile like Joe. I could get in trouble.


Lola Smiles said...

you're pretty cute when you smile Ike!!! Keep laughing!

luv ya
Lola Smiles

Poppy said...

That's awesome that your stocking was so stuffed. I got some good presents too. Merry Christmas!


Petra said...

OMD, that's one of the happiest Christmas smiles I've seen! Merry Christmas, Ike!

Bentley and Niko said...

Happy Holidays! That is a great pic of you kissing Santa!