Saturday, August 30, 2008

RIP Summer!

So, my mom has been really freaking out lately because every night she has a snow dream which is pretty much a nightmare to her and pretty much to me too. Only 1 day left of August means the end of summer is near which also means boots and sweaters and frozen turds. I can't wait until we move.
Here's a pic of me looking handsome.


Peanut said...

I wish it was snowing.

Lorenza said...

Hi, Ike!
I don't like cold weather either!
My mom wants winter to come soon.
Thankfully our cold days are not too bad.
Kisses and hugs

wally said...


I hate the end of summer. My ma ape is glad she doesn't live in the Midwest anymore--and she never lived that far north. I'm glad that the snow isn't usually as deep here or my wiener freezes.

wally t.

ps. Thanks for noticing my wiener.

Joe Stains said...

Don't move to AZ, apparently we have hurricanes now? WTF?

Asta said...

I love fall..And's the best..and mommi gets to finally not melt
we'we soooo sick of summew
smoochie kisses

Mack said...

Frozen turds, that's so funny!!

Did you hear the next hurricane is gonna be named IKE??!

Very fierce sounding.

Sunny,Scooter, (sometimes Jamie) said...

Hey Ike! We don't like cold either (on of the reasons we live in Texas) Even so, it won't be horrible for it to b in the 80's instead of the 100's! Are you really gona move?

Happy Labor Day


Sunny,Scooter & Jamie

Deanna said...

RIP summer to me means mom goes back to work :(

Duke said...

We love your photo, Ike! You're such a handsome boy!
We love the cold and the snow but we can wait for a bit longer!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Deefor said...

My humans love snow so they are excited. They are fixing up their snow toys all over the house. If I made such a mess with my toys and bones they'd take them away.
