Monday, August 25, 2008

You are always on my mind.


Joe Stains said...

when opportunity knocks you MUST answer!

Peanut said...

so did you get to lick the plate or what?

Mack said...

Were you talking about your bi-ped friend or his plate of yumminess?

Ruby Bleu said...

food glorious food...


lots of Licks, ruby

Petra said...

focused...stay focused!

Anonymous said...

At least you'd only be eating it off a plate this time, Ike, instead of off the floor. So no harm done, right? ;-)

Randi said...

Hey Ike..always let them think that when they are hugging you ..that they are the ONLY thing that matters...What you're really thinking is..."yeah, yeah...gimme the food..if you really loved me at all you would have let me have the first bite, instead of scraps..."

Love & Licks,

Deefor said...

I thought that was my special trick! Delicious. And sneaky.


Lorenza said...

Hi, Ike!
I had the same question! Talking to him... or to the plate??
Nice hugging picture!
Kisses and hugs

Myeo said...

is that the uncle that you bit before? Hee Hee. He loves you lots.

Boy n Baby

Stanley said...

Ike Man!

Was that your dad hugging the stuffing out of you? Any way you slice it, it's an adorable pic!

Keep trying to snuffle up everything you can off the floor. You've got to find SOME way to keep that gorgeous figure of yours.

Goober love & smooches,

wally said...


Ike, you rule.

wally t.

Huskee and Hershey said...

Hehehe.. I can see what caught your attention Ike!!

MJ's doghouse said...

holy...i think that human is trying to squish all the dog food outta gotta be more careful Ike...really careful

Anonymous said...

Oh how cute! But just what exactlly are you eating now?