Friday, July 4, 2008

Quick Pearl Update.

So Pearl had the surgery yesterday and she slept over at my house on the air bed because she needed to be on fluids overnight. She is doing great and she tried to run up some stairs this morning so my dad and to go get her off them because she wanted to go home. I'm writing this from her house right now and thanks for all the concern and for being so nice and stuff. I will keep you all updated!


Sophie Brador said...

It's so great of you guys to take care of Pearl after her surgery. I hope she is feeling okay today. I bet she's happy to be with her family.


Peanut said...

Thanks for letting us know Ike. I'm glad she is home.

Mack said...

We were so thinking of Pearly Whirly Girlie yesterday!

Sounds like she is on the road to recovery!

Ruby Bleu said...

That is such great news Ike! I know you are taking good care of Pearl!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Stanley said...

I bet Pearl is feeling the love. Please give her some healing goober smooches for me, Ike. That'll be one great way to put that famous tongue of yours to work.

Goober love,

Lizzy said...


Thanks for keeping us updated on Pearl! I hope she recovers quickly!


Duke said...

Thanks for letting us know, Ike! This is GREAT news!
Enjoy your 4th!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Lorenza said...

Hi, Ike!
Thanks for telling us about Pearl. With your good care she will be fully recovered soon!
Kisses and hugs

Deefor said...

Pearl is lucky to have your family to help. I hope she is much better soon.


Joe Stains said...

What great news, I am sure you are taking wonderful care of her. We are sending healing vibes her way!

Jen and Suki said...

Oh noes! I haven't been able to visit in a little while. Sorry to hear about your aunt Pearl but it sounds like she's doing really great. I'll send more healing vibes and puggy loves!

Huskee and Hershey said...

Hi Ike,
Glad that Pearl is home... it's great of you to look after her after she had her surgery..

Tiki, Kirby, and StanLee said...

We are so glad Pearl is doing well. Purrs.

wally said...

Go Pearly Girlie! I hope she heals quickly. If I were ever sick I'd want you to be by nurse.


Myeo said...

This is great news!

We are glad that Pearl is revocering well.

Boy n Baby

Pug(s) and Bugg said...

Ikes, I hope Pearl is doing well. Also Dixie is all excited that you think poop tastes good too... weird! ew!

We hope all is well!

Anonymous said...
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DogMom said...

We're glad that Pearl got the surgery... dogmom says that the bone cancer is much more painful than after the amputation. (not that she's ever had an amputation, but she sees the pets at the vet hospital when they do.)

Wuf Ya!
Gomer & OPie

Ozzie, Rocky and Lola said...

Happy Belated Adoption Day Ikes! We are also very glad to hear that Pearls is doing so well!
Ozzie & Rocky

Clover said...

Hi Ike,
Thanks for the Pearl update. Hope she is feeling well now!!
Love Clover xo


Oh noooo, not the surgery. Well we hope she'll be back on her paws in no time
Desert Pups here saying woof and roaming the neighborhood looking for new pals cause we're new in town.

Scuba, Keiko, Norman and Toby from Life Inside the Fence

Pug(s) and Bugg said...

We nominated you for an award and a meme... come see on our blog!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for keeping us Updated

Eduardo said...

Hi My name is Eduardo, I'm a snuggle puggle I added you to my page, I hope you don't mind please visit my blog!
Hugs & Snugs,
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle