Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Adoption Day #2 WOOT!

Happy adoption day to me, happy adoption day to me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
If you haven't figured it out already, it's my adoption day tomorrow! I've been with my mom and dad for two whole years, pretty much the best two years of my life, like no contest. I haven't gotten any pressies yet, but I'm sure my mom won't hold out on me!
Here are some pics from the ride home when I was adopted. Man, was I happy!

PS - Pearl is having the amputation on Thursday. Thank you for all your kind words and thoughts.


Huskee and Hershey said...

I can see that the 'famous tongue' was already evident when they brought you home 2 years ago!
Have a great one, buddy..

Ruby Bleu said...

Happy Adoption Day Ike!!! W00t!!! I'll be thinking good thoughts about Pearl!!!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

The Brat Pack said...

Happy Adoption Day!!!!! No way could they have resisted you!

The Brats

Opy - the Original GruffPuppy said...

happy adoption day ike - so glad you found such a wonderful furever home.



Myeo said...

Happy Adoption Day!

Do check out our blog. We posted something for you.

Boy n Baby

Joe Stains said...

HAPPY ADOPTION DAY DUDE! you DO look happy. we are sending healing vibes to Pearl!

Duke said...

Happy gotcha day, Ike! Blogging wouldn't be half as much fun if we hadn't me you!
We're sending major AireZen Pearl's way!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Sophie Brador said...

HAD Ike! You do look happy on your ride home, and I'm pretty sure you still are.


wally said...

HAPPY BUUUUUUUUUURPDAY TO IKE! Those pictures are beautiful. Here's to many more years of pizzle huntin', tongue waggin' happiness!


ps. We all have our paws crossed for Pearl.

Tiki, Kirby, and StanLee said...

Happy adoption day, Ike!! We are purring for Pearl.

Deefor said...

Congratulations! You were a real cutie and still are. I'll be barking and crossing my paws for Pearl.


Tatum Tot said...

Ooo happy gotcha day! I haven't been with the Mum and Dad for even a year yet but I like it here!

Clover said...

Happy adoption day, buddy! Hope you have a lot of fun!
I will be thinking good thoughts for Pearl and crossing my paws.
Love Clover xo

The Puppies said...

Happy adoption day Ike! We'll be thinking about Pearl too and hope it all goes well! Hope you get some pressies since it is your adoption day after all!!
xoxoxo, the puppies

Lizzy said...


HAPPY ADOPTION DAY to you! 2 years, eh? I hope you have a grrrrEAT day!

And good luck to Pearl!


Lacy said...

w00f's Ike, happy adoption day toooo uuu. git lots of trweats and toys, and haff many many more special days...sooo sorrwy bout pearl, will keep her in my thots and prayers...

b safe,

Anonymous said...

Happy Adoption Day Ike!!!

It seems like you have been smiling ever since that glorious day...


p.s. Good luck to Pearl!

Mack said...

I know your parents are so glad they got you!

We will be saying a special prayer for pretty Pearl.

Mack & Mom

Lorenza said...

Happy Adoption Day Ike!
I hope you have a big celebration!
I will have my paws crossed for Pearl!
Kisses and hugs

Asta said...

Happy Adoption day!!!to YOU!!!
You suwelook happy and I'm so glad you found youw puwfect family..I'm so sowwy about Pearl, but I know a doggie at my wun who lost one of hew leggies and she's gweat and plays and has a tewwific time..
I will be pwaying fow hew and cwossing my paws that she wecovews and has no pain
smoochie kisses

Asta said...

Ike I just thought of a bloggie you might check fow Peawl..it belongs to a fwiend of mine Finny the wolfhound


hope it helps

Peanut said...

Oh we missed it. Happy belated adoption day. Did you get lots of good stuff?

We will be thinking of Pearl today.

Dexter said...

Happy adoption day!

Hope Pearl is going to be OK. My neighbor doggie is having the exact same thing done (she is also a labradog). Wonder if its a lab thing.


Stanley said...

Hey, Bud.

Happy Adoption Day, man! Guess this means they're gonna keep ya, right?

I bet they had NO IDEA what depths there were to your Ikeness when they were on that ride home with you. Well, now they know.

Goober love & adoption day smooches,

Pee Ess
Give Miss Pearly a big juicy healing goober smooch from me.

Jen and Suki said...

Happy 'doption day!!

Martha said...

OMD. I can't believe I missed your adoption day. I am a horrible wife! *sob* I WILL make it up to you. I love you! Love, Martha

Murphy Dogg said...

Hey Ike,
Happy (belated) Adoption Day!! So, did you get lots of cool stuff??
Murphy Dogg

Izzie said...

Those pictures are priceless. Happy Adoption Day! (I know, I'm very late, but it's mama's fault; she's been too busy to type for me lately!).