I'm just really glad it's March because it's supposed to be "in like a lion and out like a lamb" and so far that's true and I'm tired of walking on ice because there is something really undignified about slipping while you pee. And I've pretty much been laying in the sun spot every day dreaming about summer and laying in the grass outside and roaching like Wally outside instead of on the rug.

I'm glad to hear the good news! I thought it wouldn't take long for your mom to come to her senses and take you off of the pooplist.
Will spring EVER get here?
Great news. I see Shelby snuck over here and left a comment for Duncan. I will have to get him back for that if I could only figure out how.
We're so glad you're off your mom's poop list, Ike! You're absolutely right - slipping while you're trying to pee is not funny! grrrrrrrrrrrr
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Oh Ike...I'm so happy for you...it's good to be out of the poop house and sitting in the sun. Wait, mom said you weren't really in a poop house...ok, got it now - hee hee hee!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
Glad to hear you are back in your human's good graces. I wish I could send you some sunshine
Sure its not fun to slip while you pee!
I am waiting for the spring to come soon!
Kisses and hugs
Ike, buddy.
All is well and as it should be ~ you are being adored by your parents and your cat is even more paranoid.
Love the photo of you daydreaming.
Goober love,
wish we could send you some sun. mom says that people that live in the cold are smarter and more creative because they are indoors so much and have intro-spekshuns.
You sure look sad there Ike. I'm glad you're off the poop list now
~ Girl girl
YAY! Time to celebrate!! (But not on the new rug)
Glad you're off the list. I slide around a lot some days. Specially if they yank the leash. One morning it was so cold my pee froze!
Hey Ike,
Mamas never stay mad for long, cause we are just tooooo handsome!
Cheer up, man, it's almost time for green beer and Shamrock shakes!! Woo-hoo!!
Murphy Dogg
Hang in there Ike, and congratulations on your award! :)
Your friend, Lenny
Hi Ike
I get your drift about slipping on ice !
Its bad enough peeing in that weather but slipping is a whole nother ordeal!!!
We love your profile picture...you look dignified!
What's up with all the indoor pee and poop activity from the Boston Terriers? Jeez! Maybe now that you can get out and sun bake things will be better.
We thought the snow was fun.. It just didn't last long enough for us..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus and Louie
Glad that you off the poop list Ike. That's OK, we all have poop days once in a while.
Love, Seadra and Zoe
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