So, I haven't been around much because I'm totally depressed because it snowed and I hate snow. I'm totally bored in the house and totally hating being outside. Does anyone have any ideas to help me with my cabin fever?
And here's a picture from last year, but it looks the same ... crappy.
But it's not that deep, yet.

Oh, and one good thing did happen - I found some stray-cat poo and rolled in it and ate it. My mom was not pleased.
Your sweater is gorgeous, Ike! We really, really like it! We love snow so it's not a problem for us but days when we can't go out because it's too yucky we chew on a bully stick or a pork chew! That could work for you too!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Ike, at least you can think about snuggling with Martha. And your sweater is very dashing.
Your friend, Lenny
hmm Maybe you should take a trip and come visit me. It's supposed to be 62 today and 71 tomorrow.
You look so cute in your sweater!!!! I hate when it rains too and can't go out and play. Makes Mom miserable too!!! We just play lots of games to stay busy...and lots of games means lots of treats!!!
Hey, I read your letter in Modern are things going with that???
Lots of Licks, Ruby
I take back all the good things I said about snow. It is evil and I hate pooping in it and it makes my paws cold. I think I am starting to drive my mom insane with all my pent-up puppy energy. DANG, when will winter END!?
Ike, I sure wish you could come stay with us during the winter, it is great. Whatever you do, do NOT get another dog to cure the boredom. that kind of thing can go terribly wrong, if you know what I mean?
Hi, Ike
You are welcome to come here. We have 90 degrees. I offer you sunny days!
I like your sweater!
Have a good night
Where do you shop for your rockin sweaters?
Hi Ike,
I also hate snow. I think it's a Boston Terrier thing. When it gets too high here, I make Dad shovel out a space in the yard for me to poop, because I don't like cold wet snow touching my rear! However, snow sometimes means "snow days" and cuddling on the couch with Mama all day long.
Murphy Dogg
Lucky you - nothing like some stray cat poo!
I love snow! I think you look so handsome in that sweater. Love, Martha
Sorry about the snow Ike. We have nothin' but beautiful sunshine down here on the coast. Pack a bag and come on down. Squirrel hunting has been really good lately. That would help with your depression!
Ozzie & Rocky
Sorry about the snow Ike. We have nothin' but beautiful sunshine down here on the coast. Pack a bag and come on down. Squirrel hunting has been really good lately. That would help with your depression!
Ozzie & Rocky
So did the cat poop taste yummy? I don't see why your Mommy needs to get so upset..(just becos she wasn't fast enuff to get to the poop!)
Ike, buddy!
You need your wife, Martha, to come live with you, man! Any chance of that happening (or of her coming to visit at least)?
I think you're on the right track with the stray cat poo. Maybe your mom & dad could get you your own kitty candy dispenser (mine is called Merv). You can raid his litter box whenever you need a little pick-me-up. Just a thought.
Goober love,
You sure look cute in the sweater Ike
~ Girl girl
I like snow but we don't have as much as you get up in the Mini Soda. We've been stuck indoors because of my sissy's pus. And when we get riled up and act crazy we get chews--bonables, bullies, wizzlers. I highly recommend acting off your rocker so you get one of the above.
I hate the snow too dude. At least you look warm and cool in your sweater
Frenchie Snorts
Niko tries to put one of her bottom feet in her ear and then chew one of her front feet while making weird noises, that's what she does for bad weather, I'll have to ask her if this is some dog yoaga or a game, but maybe you know this and can play this when you are bored.
Ike, how can you be depressed in such a bright sweater and with cat poop in your tummy? Hope it gets sunny for you soon.
Thanks for the holiday card.
Comet and BLU
Hi Ike,
Your sweater is beautiful but the look on your face really tells it all.
Good job on the cat poo!
Dear Ike - you need to get a bug-a-boo doggie stroller..& have your ma put a heating blanket at the bottom with lots of treats & get Martha over to your house & then you lovers can go on a carriage ride (in the stroller) around Como Park & along Summitt Ave & then stop by Bread & Chocolate on Grand Ave for some hot chocolate ...just a few ideas...or a nice cracklin fire for you & Martha to gaze into eachothers eyes....
Love & Licks,
Hi Ike
A boy's gotta do what a boy's gotta do. I have 2 other English Setter family members to amuse me when our mum is away, but we mostly sleep, sometimes I get into mischief, until our mum gets home. We never see snow where we live in Oz coz it's too hot.
Love from Hammer
You what! You ate cat's poo? No wonder your mom is not too
Boy n Baby
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