Sunday, October 7, 2007


So, Martha said yes, and that pretty much means that I am the luckiest dog ever. I know that she will want to do all the planning because she's the girl, but I want to know who will come out for my bachelor party - all you dudes are invited! Maybe we can use Aire Ruby for a destination party and wedding. I am just soooo excited. Is it tacky to serve Kitty Roca as an appetizer? Should we have nap time between the ceremony and reception?
So here is a picture of what I think we will look like on our wedding day. We don't have a date set yet, so I hope she still wants to marry me!


Unknown said...

WOW congrats, I will definitely come to your bachelor party!!! you are a seriously lucky dog!!

Huskee and Hershey said...

OMdoG.. it's the first wedding at DWB!! I am definitely coming to your bachelor pawty!! So when's the big day, let us know ya!

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Oh Congrates to you Ike.. When's the special day? Can I come to your wedding? I've never been to a wedding before

~ Girl girl

Myeo said...

Wow, Wow...Congratulations! Both of you are so lucky to have found each other.

Boy n Baby

Boo Boo said...

Hey ! You TWO !!!

Remember to smile on your wedding day alright ?

Dont give people the idea you guys are into a forced marriage ....

REMEMBER .... SMILE !!! :):)

Congrats !!

Duke said...

Congratulations! A wedding - cool! I'll see if Mitch is up for the bachlor pawty and we're definitely coming to the wedding! We wouldn't miss it for anything!

Love ya lots,

Ruby Bleu said...

Congratulations Ike and of course AireRuby is at your disposal for anything you pups need (see, even tho' I was in love with you once, I'm grownup enough to put it behind me and still be friends).

So who is your best man? Have you chosen your wedding song yet? Where are you going on your honeymoon? Kitty Roca sounds yummy...what else will you be having? What are Martha's colors??? Oh so many questions.

Can't wait to come to the wedding (I'm invited, right?)

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Suki & Joey said...

OMG, Congratulations you guys!!!!

Oh, I'm so happy for you two. Soooo, not to invite myself, buuuut...I am invited, right? And Joey, too?

Puggy kisses

Poppy said...

Nice picture. I wish you would show a little more tongue though! And for the record, kitty roca is NEVER tacky!


Martha said...

Oh Ikes! I'm so happy! I have so much planning to do!!

One little thing...I think my diamond and platinum collar was lost in the mail.

Love, Martha

Anonymous said...

Super congrats dude!

Sophie Brador said...

Holy moly! My little Ikenstein is getting hitched. If I were a less classy dog, I would totally offer to be the entertainment at your bachelor party, but you know how it is when you're a diva like me. I might be a nudist, but I'm no stripper!

Congrats Ike & Martha!

Jen and Suki said...

OMD congratulations, Ike! I was in your neighborhood tonight (Grand & Dale and then Summit & Dale) and I saw Sam the Puggle, Bentley the German Shepard mix, and that evil snorty scotty dog terrorist in the red stone condos but I didn't see you. :/ I wanted to congratulate you in pawson! Maybe next time.

Suki Sumo

Lorenza said...

Hi, Ike!
Congratulations! Sure you will have a great bachelor party! All the boy will be there with you!
This is very exciting!

Stanley said...

Ike Man!

Congratulations, buddy! That Martha is a sweetpea, and you are one lucky DOG!

Don't fret. Martha's not going to change her mind. I think you two will look bootiful and dashing on your wedding day. I opt for the nap time between ceremony and reception.

As for the bachelor pawty... I'M IN!!

Goober love,

Balboa said...

WOOOHOOO, a doggie wedding on DWB!!!! Dude I'm definately coming to your bachelor party!!!!!

Frenchie Snorts

Ozzie, Rocky and Lola said...

Congrats Ike! We would love to attend your party. This is sooooo exciting.

Ozzie & Rocky
Two Wild & Crazy Guyz

Ralph said...

Congratulations! You give me hope that I can find a nice wife one day.


pee.s- what is Kitty Roca? I go crazy for kitties.

Lacy said...

woofies ike, nices to meets ya..and congrats on ur upcomin weddins to martha..another pawtyss, yippeeeees...

b safe,

wally said...

Sweeeeeeeet. What will we do at the bachelor party? Sniff each others' butts, counter surf, and then nap?


ps. I bet your poo will smell better than the odor coming off the GOP convention. Just sayin'.

Jessica said...

Congratulations to you and Martha!!

Martha is so beautiful and you are so's just going to be the most awesome wedding ever.

We can hardly wait. When is the big day? We'll be there!!

Love, Seadra and Zoe

Martha said...

Ikes, my neck is a snug 10". Love, Martha

Stanley said...

Ike man!

Of COURSE I'll be one of your groomsmen! I'm humbled you ask.

Can't wait for the details (especially about the bach pawty).

Does this mean I'm getting fitted for a pink tux?

Goober love,

Asta said...

Congwatulations Ike..Martha will be a bootiful bwide..and I'm suwe youw love will last fuwwevew! I'd love to come to the wedding when you finally set a date!
smoochie kisses to both of you

wally said...

Dude, I'll totally be in your wedding. Do I have to get a monkey suit, though? I'm already in black and white.


Laura said...

dude, i totally want to come to your bachelor party! i'll bring the peanut butter!

Luckie Girl said...

Hey Ike,
Congrats on your upcoming wedding. We all know how much you and Martha love one another. This is so *touching*.

Scrappy and Pebbles said...

WoW a doggie wedding how cool and what a beautiful bride you have chosen.

Scrappy and Pebbles

Peanut said...

Oh congrats I will come to your party.

Ben & Darling said...

Oh congrat !!!! Im in !! Im coming for your pawty!!