Wednesday, October 31, 2007

And the winner of the 2007 Ike's costume contest is ...

Congratulations Ozzie for having an awesome Halloween costume!!!!

Hope everyone is having a great Halloween and remember, if you eat the chocolate, they make you drink charcoal at the emergency clinic!

PS - I get married to sweet, sweet Martha tomorrow! :)


Sophie Brador said...

Tomorrow?!!!!! Woah! I forgot to mark my calendar. Are you having a stag party tonight? Are Joe and Tanner and the boys taking you out and getting you drunk? I hope you get some sleep before the big day.


p.s. Woohoo Ozzie!

Ben & Darling said...

Oh Ozzie sure is a cutie, like the costume.

OKOK, gotta go and get ready now. Where's my pink clothe, where' my pinky clothe!!! Mom~!!!! get me the pinky !!! I off to Ike & Matha wedding!!!

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Hee, that's a really cute costume that won the contest. I'm already on my way to the wedding in my pink car

~ Girl girl

Huskee and Hershey said...

Oh wow... tomorrow's the BIG day!! How exciting!!

Joe Stains said...

WOOO the big wedding, I am excited, but um still dreading the pink. BUT its going to be great. and PINK.

Lorenza said...

Congratulations to Ozzie!
I just can imagine how excited you are about your wedding!
See you there

Luckie Girl said...

Are you READY for your BIG Day?? Are you having a pawty with the boyz tonight?

Duke said...

Congrats to Ozzie!
We're ready and waiting for Aire Ruby, Ike!
See you and Martha in France!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

wally said...

Way to go Ozzie!

And the wedding is going to be AWESOME! Glad to hear you don't have cold feet. I do. It's chilly this morning and the sidewalk was COLD.


Snowball said...

Congratulations!!! I can't wait to attend your wedding pawty. Rest well and be the most charming groom.

See ya!!!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for hosting the costume contest and for the shout-out for winning it!! I have to admit that my human sister got her college friends to vote for me (she doesn't really like me that much, but all her friends LOVE me, and our mom made her do it!!)

Rock on,
Shoreview, MN

P.S. They make you drink liquid charcoal if you eat poison peanuts too...which I have's not good...

Ferndoggle said...

We can't wait for your's gonna be the event of the year.

Congrats Ozzie!

Sherman, Penny & Lola

Myeo said...

Well deserved winner!

We think your costume is real cool too.

Boy n Baby