Monday, October 29, 2007

Halloween Costume Contest Voting!

Ok, so here are the entries for the costume contest: Please vote for your favorite. Voting ends at 6pm CST on Halloweeeeeeen!
First, there's me - but I'm not eligible for my own contest.

Vote for your favorite Halloween costume!

Suki Sumo
Girl Girl

(View Results)

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Ruby Bleu said...

How come YOU are not listed, huh? I think your costume is pawsome!!!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Jessica said...

This is so fun. ALL the costumes are great. I wanted to vote for everyone but Mom said I had to vote for my sisiter.

Love, Seadra

Duke said...

All the costumes are wonderful! Mom and I are rolling on the floor laughing at Martha! Sorry, Martha! You're just too funny!

Love ya lots,

Anonymous said...

Martha, cute, but wasn't that done last year? Ozzie definitely deserves the win! Go Ozzie-slash-Slash!


Joe Stains said...

Omdog this was so hard!

Poppy said...

So cool! What great costumes everyone has! I kinda wanna vote for myself, but there are so many other great costumes. I especially think Ruby's is wicked clever!


Girl Girl Hamster said...

I think your costume is pretty pawsome Ike. Everyone looks very cute here.

~ Girl girl

Stanley said...

Ike Buddy!

Love the costumes!

I bet you got Martha that French maid's costume. Is she taking that on the honeymoon? Hmmm?

Goober love,

BTW - Can't find me a pink tux that's big enough. Do you know of a tailor I could use?

Clover said...

Hi Ike,
I heard about your contest over on Seadra and Zoe's blog. I thought I would come over and say hello and vote!! It was super hard, by the way - all the costumes are great!!
I hope we can be friends! I am going to put a link to your blog on mine - I hope that is ok. :)
Love Clover xo

Emily and Ike said...

Martha submitted her costume from last year because this year's wasn't ready yet. Pop on over to her blog and see the mad scientist!!!!

Martha said...

Ikes, I love you. I really, really love you. Your gift arrived and it's perfect. Even my Dad was saying how beautiful and perfect it is for me! My Mom has to work tonight so she said she'd get photos of me modeling it tomorrow when she gets home. I love you! Love, Martha

Asta said...

Those awe all pawsome costoome!
It was a gweat pawty!!!

Awe you weady fow youw wedding???it's almost hewe!
smoochie kisses

Huskee and Hershey said...

Hey Ike,
What a pity your costume is not listed...
Oh dear, I can't decide who to cast my vote for cos they are all so cool!!

Sir Chance-Lot said...

WOW..AWESOME costumes..I'll vote for all of them...

Jen and Suki said...

Ike - thanks for letting me compete! Everyone looks great, and I really love your costume!

Balboa said...

OH WOW, such great costumes!!!!!

DUDE, I can't wait to see you and Martha get married!!!!! What a celebration that will be!!!

Frenchie Snorts

wally said...

Haha! Great costumes. Ike, yours is TRULY AWESOME! You could wear that to the Wallyverse.


ps. Are you sure that picture of Martha in her maid's outfit isn't from your personal collection?