So my mom loves Halloween, and when I say she loves it, I mean it's like better than Christmas and almost as good as her birthday because on her birthday my dad totally gets up early and makes her breakfast and gets her flowers and treats her like a princess which she sort of is sometimes. But anyway, I think Halloween is pretty cool, so I am having a costume contest. Please e-mail your entries to emilyandian @ (take out the spaces - I'm tricking the robots). And in honor of Halloween, here is a one of my mom's favorite pictures of Meg who lived here before me and I have to pay homage to the one who got my mom and dad addicted to Bostons - if it weren't for her, I wouldn't be here.

Edit: entries will be accepted until Sunday night at 11pm CST. Voting will begin on Monday and end on Halloweeeeeeeeen!
hey ike, I think your Mom tried to add my Mom on facebook but my Mom is like kind of a doofus too (I can't find her dot though) and she said no because she was like who is that? ANYWAY I think Mom added her for real but if not have your Mom send another request and they can be friends.
If that was not your mom you might want to find the other emily and ian in minnesota and pee on them.
Halloween Costume contest! That is awesome!
Boy n Baby
Oh Meg sure is a cute doggie as a bumble bee. Halloween sure sounds fun. I gotta remember to email you my halloween costume pic
~ Girl girl
Meg is an adorable bumblebee! We'll have to see about this costume thing, Ike. We're not much into costumes!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Hi, Ike
Sure that picture of Meg is great!
There are no costumes here but I have a Halloween dress! I will send you my picture!
Have a nice day
Ikes, Meg was super cute! What are you going to be for Halloween? I'm sending you my pic from last year. I think you'll like it. ;) Love, Martha
Doooooooooood. What a good idea! We 're going as werewolves this year. We're already wearing our costumes. My ma ape says I can't eat too much Halloweenie treats or I won't fit into my pink tux!
Hey Ike, Bzzzzzzzzzzzz. That bee costume is funny. Your dad sounds like a cool guy. You will have to start taking notes on how to be a perfect hubby.
Mom is working on our costumes and we are suppose to have a photo shoot sometime today. We'll email our pictures soon. We love a contest!!
Love, Seadra and Zoe
Hey Ikes....
I'm sending my pix...are you getting ready for the big day???
Lots of Licks, Ruby
Awwww Meg was a cutie... A contest hmmm not sure mom isnt much into contest but we will see...
Have a nice weekend
Scrappy and Pebbles
Ooh, I can't wait to email you my entry! My mommy is almost done with my costume--it's homemade this year!
Hey, Eye Candy!
You Meg was a gooberlicious babe of a pup! She looks FAB in her bumblebee suit.
I'm not into dressing up either (unless high heels are involved). I'll see what I can come up with!
Cool idea!
Goober love,
Hey Ike! I hope you are doing well in MN...That BumbleBee costume of Meg's was sure cute...I'm not sure what I"m dressing up as yet...I've been preoccupied with my new positon of CEO of the R.R.C.. I'm housing doggie refugees from the fire in my backyard!
Love & Licks,
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