You see, Stanley had this Where the Wild Things Are stuffie and my mom totally loves that book and he said that he would send me one if he ever found one and he did and it is a chicken and it even has dried Stanley goob on it! So the first thing I did was attack it and then my mom took it away because she doesn't want disemboweled Wild Thing chicken on her rug and she likes it so she kinda wants to keep it. Whatever! Stanley gave it to me and it's mine!
So here's a picture of what Stan and ZZ did to their Wild Thing and it's what my mom doesn't want me to do to mine.
And this is a picture of how surprized I am to get a package when it's not even my adoption anniversary or anything - thanks Stanley!

And this is a picture of the beginning of the disemboweling right before my mom took my gift away!

Ike, you are SO thrilled, I can see! Hey, my girl took your request seriously. Hope you actually get to play with it. If not, I will be happy if it makes your mama smile!
I am,
Your Goober bud,
Oh we love that "Wild Thing" stuffie. Our Mom loves that book too. She read that book so much to my human brother and sister when they were wee pups that they could recite that book word for word long before they could read.
Oh the memories!!
Love, Seadra and Zoe
p.s. Could you email us your email address at
Hi, Ike.
Its not fair that you mom took your stuffie away from you! I hope she gives it to you back soon!
maybe stan needed to buy TWO of these? your mom is not sharing very well.
You're a riot Ike! You sure didn't look too excited before you opened the package! Too bad mom had to ruin your fun!
Love ya lots,
My mommy loves that book too, she said its a classic.
WOW, the hair on the stuffie must be pure joy to bite and rip apart. Oh I hope you get it and can destroy it and make Stanley proud!
Frenchie Snorts
Why isn't your mom giving you that toy? Doesn't she know stuffies are to be torn up and scattered everywhere.
Cute wild chicken Ike!!! Nice that you are letting your Mom play with your toy!!! Is she feeling better? Feel better Ike's Mom...
Lots of Licks, Ruby
I like your mom's theory about work. And I like that she takes off Ike Time.
That stuffy is TOTALLY COOL. Gooberstan must be the greatest place ever. Especially since they get to disembowel the wild things without interference from buzzkill moms.
ps. My burpday is in February. This is close to my half burpday but by our burpday I mean my ma ape's. I love burpdays! I make all of them mine.
That is a really cool toy!
Ikes, you have to cry and cry and cry and cry, and then don't forget to cry, until she gives in and just gives it to you because she's so annoyed by all the crying. Trust me, it works! Love, Martha
oh man! how could your Mom take Wild Thing chicken away from u?
i hope she aint secretly gutting the stuffie...
Hey Ike, Sorry about the chicken, but you're a natural in head phones. Rock on baby!
Anyway to get it back from her?
Boy n Baby
Just make sure your Mom doesnt rip it apart when she plays with it.
Bussie Kissies
Sheesh - I wanted to see your finish up your opawration on your WILD THING" stuffie....
Woh cool toys that Stanley sent you. I hope your mom is better now
~ Girl girl
Hi Ike,
OMG... you killed the toy!!
That is sooo totally cool! Mom is going to try the poop-excuse one day too.
too bad the mom is holding back such a skilled surgeon.. maybe next time : )
i love the wild things too!!
You reckon that you can gush and gnash your claws and teeth like they do right?
Wow- Stan and ZZ did a great job on that stuffie- you should get to do that to yours too. It would be the most fun ever!
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