So I haven't really been posting or visiting all my friends' blogs much and I'm sorry but I have a real excuse and that excuse is that my great-grandma died and we had to take a road trip to Wisconsin again and we stayed in a hotel again except this time the hotel was crappy. And the hotel was super gross because it was a Super 8 because my grandpa booked it and he just doesn't really know anything about hotels and this was a hotel with an M instead of an H which means it's gross. There were cigarette burn holes in the sheets and the box springs on the beds were stained with brown and the grossest thing was the blood smear on the side of the TV. But I slept fine even if my mom and dad didn't and then I had to stay in the hotel with an M for like ever while they went to the funeral which dogs weren't allowed at and then they came and got me and drove me to my mom's cousin's house where they have show horses and I stayed in my kennel in a barn which smelled awesome! And then I met their corgi named Squirt and I tried to kill him but they stopped me and then I think we would have been friends but we didn't have time to be friends because we had to drive home.
And my mom is off work today because her friend at work said she would work for her so she could have a day to recuperate from the long road trip and that was really nice so here is a shout out to Maria - woot woot!
And I don't really have pics of this trip because my mom said you don't take pictures at funerals even though I have a blog and friends that need visuals but she just doesn't understand.
So here is the one picture and it's of me on the cigarette burned bed and I'm chewing on my pizzle.
Drag about the horrid hotel experience. The blood on the side of the tv? Oooooooh. That sounds brutal. But I don't get your M an H rating system.
Too bad about the near homicide with the corgi too. You must not have realized that it was half of Wally.
And tell your mom, sorry about great grandma. That's the biggest bummer of all. We send big condolensces. (I know I spelled that wrong, but I'm a dog, so geez.)
Ike, Got it! Now I get the M and H. If I would have thought about it a little harder, it all would have made sense. We do have motels here too, and I would apply the same assessment. There are a few touristy places that still have some very groovy 1950s style motels, but unless they have been lovingly maintained, they are pretty scary. When we travel through the US, we usually try to stay in Holiday Inns because they let me stay. Any suggestions for other chains that are good bets are more than welcome!
Hey Ikes!!!
I've missed you!!! Really been lonely without you! So sorry about great-grandma...sorry about the Hotel with the M. UCK!!!
Glad you are back! Oh and Bernard and I are just friends.
Lots of Licks, Ruby
our deepest sympathies about your grandmother, we are very sorry.
What a horrible time during a time when you needed to relax and rest for the funeral. I bet your parents were both gorssed out and scarred.
I bet that corgi almost pooped on himself.
Balboa and MOmmmy
Good to see photographical proof that you're okay and not pizzle-less ~ even if it is on a cigarette burned bed by the blood smeared TV in the hotel with the M.
Whew! Give some goober lovin' to your mama & your dad, I'm sure they're exhausted from the funeral and the lack of sleep in the scary MOTEL.
Now, about the Corgi incident. Sorry you didn't get to make up before leaving to go home. Maybe next time.
Goober love,
Hi, Ike. So sorry about your great-grandma. Please accept our condolences for you and your family.
That time at the "m"otel sure it was awful!!
Glad you are back and safe!
Have a good night
Hi Ike,
I'm sorry about the loss of your great grandma. I hope your daddy & mummy are doing fine.
But its good that you followed them on the trip :)
we've missed so much! trying to catch up. It is hard when our loved ones go, our mom's grandpa went to the rainbow place earlier this year. They also had to stay in a motel that was made out of a trailer when their car broke down coming back from Mexico, even had spring coming out of bed, must be soem type of req. code. Hang in there, and good to see everyone again.
Ike we are so sorry about the loss of your great grandma, the hotel with an M (cant be TOO sorry because our grandpa works for Motel 6 selling the whole big hotel not like the guy who should be sure there is not blood on the tv) AND that you didn't get many pictures of your trip.
Ike, sorry about the miserable trip. Your pizzle looks a bit... deflated, maybe symbolic of the experience.
Your mom and dad could get a nice "cocoon" travel sheet from REI. It might help them sleep better at sketchy hotels...
The dirty secret, though... All hotels/motels are sketchy when you get down to it, even if they have 5 stars. As one of my professors said, "To the microbiologist, the entire world is coated with a thin layer of feces". (He could have included other things than feces, too...)
I'm sorry about your great-grandma and the Motel 6 (we stayed there a lot just cuz they'll let dogables stay). At least you got a bully, eh? I'm glad your mom got a day off work to spend with the Ike.
And it's ok that you tried to kill the corgi. You probably thought he was trying to steal my mojo.
Aww so sad.So sorry.
I'm sorry about your great-grandma. Love, Martha
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