I went camping this weekend in a little Northernish town called Taylor's Falls and then today we went canoeing and I am totally a sailor now and I got to sit around the campfire and eat graham crackers and hot dogs and I even got a little beer that spilled. And then I got to sleep in a tent with my mom and dad but I think we should have brought the big bed because that would have been a lot better. Oh, and I also got to eat some baked beans and we all enjoyed the consequences on the ride home.
So they threw me in the river - well, not really threw me, but you know what I mean and then after being wet like all day and being the most tiredest ever, I got a bath when I got home, WTF?
And the pictures were taken with the crappy camera because my mom didn't want to risk bringing the good camera.
This is a picture of me ruling the campsite.

And this is a picture of a field that we sat in for some reason.

And this is what we watched in the field.

And this is a picture of what I did during the horizon watching.

And this is a picture of me eating breakfast.

And then my dad did this.

And this is a picture of me braving the river.

And this is around the time they tried to kill me.

Wow Ike what an adventure!!! You even had your own little tent! That's so cool! Aside from almost dying...did you have fun? It looks like it would be fun, I know I would have had fun...oh my this is so exciting...and you even had your own jacket too!!! Yay!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
Sure your weekend was a great adventure!
With all those things to see and to do!!
You look very handsome with your jacket!!
I don't think they tried to drown you, they wanted you to swim. It was your first experience swimming?? Sure was great!
Have a good night
Hey Ike,
Oh wow..it was one big fun dogventure eh? Camping must be fun!!!!
PS : I like the way you look surveying the campsite.
ike my friend this is a terrifying story! I cannot believe the horrible treatment you received. well except for the hot dogs and beer part.
Woh camping looks fun.. And you look real macho with that life jacket. I'm glad you survived it all
~ girl girl
Do you ever keep your tongue inside your mouth? hehehehe I just love your pictures!
Sounds like you had an awesome adventure and I'm glad you really didn't drown! I, for one, would have missed you horribly!
Love ya lots,
My mom laughed at the picture of your dad holding you up by your life jacket. I didn't think it was to funny though. I can't beleive they tried to off you by putting you in the river. Great job getting back at them on the ride home though.
Oh Ike, I am so glad you are alright! Geez.. what were your hoomans thinking? (I really like the sleeping pic of you.. your little tongue was sticking out.. so cute!!)
Oh my dog! How mean of them. Especially after I'm sure you kept away the bears and the lions. At least you got your revenge on the ride home!
OMG! I can't believe the horror. Come to Ohio and my Mom promises to never make you go near a lake. *shudder* Love, Martha
Hmm...I'm not so sure about that camping stuff. I mean, it looks like you had fun, but why sleep in a bag when you can just go to a hotel and sleep in a bed?
My Mom says we're going to do that camping stuff once we're living in Oregon. Maybe I'll stay with Grandpa....hehehe!
Puggy kisses
Considering all the trauma, you look mightly debonair ruling over the campsite. I hope you farted exta lots to get back at them for trying to kill you.
Hey Ike - we're tagging you for the seven-random-facts-friendship tag game. See our blog for details on what you have to do.
Wuf Ya - Gomer & Opie
Hey Ike....Camping looks wonderful. Looks like you were living the dogs life out there in the wilderness. We are glad that you came home safe and sound.
Love, Seadra and Zoe
Camping must ne so much fun. Cant imagine they tried to 'kill' you.
Boy n Baby
Ike, I'm jealous... If/when we get to MN or you get to Washington we'll have to do it again--either canoe camping in MN or kayak camping in WA...
Here are some dogs trying (very hard) to be almost as cool as you.
I'm gonna call you Ike the Brave, you do soooo many coool things.
I love that little doggie tent, I wish my mom would get me one of those.
Frenchie Snorts
OMDOG! They strapped you up and threw you into the river?!?! That happened to my sister one time!!! Horrifying! I'm so glad you survived!
And you look very handsome, even with the crappy camera.
Ike, that looks like the bestest camping twip. I've ever only heard about stuff like that,,I looove your tent, how cool is that????but I would not have been thwilled about being almost dwowned..I feel that wasy just in the kiddy pool at the wun, so a whole wiver..I shudder at the mere thought...you're vewy bwave,plus extwa handsome
smoochie kisses
Wow Ike! You're really brave!!!
that looks like a lot of fun! Except for the drowning part, but my parents do that to Bentley because he doesn't know how much fun swimming is like me!
What a great weekend! You are a brave dog.
You look really hot in orange Ike.
♥ Saidie
Wow IKE!
Looks like a really fun adventure!
You are so lucky to experience something like this!
You look really good in the first picture!
how exciting!!! you did such a good job roughing it Ike!! sounds like an awesome trip.
and i hope those beans didn't make your tummy hurt before they grossed out all the hoomans!!! hee-hee-hee!!!!
puppy licks, coco
I hope your farts on the car ride home were NASTY! They'd deserve it. I'm glad you were wearing a life jacket, but your dad looks just a little *too* happy about the handle on the back of it. I'd find him a hobby if I were you.
At least you're home and safe. I think camping can be an adventure, if it doesn't involve potential drowning!!
Did you get any other revenge on your parents after you got home? (I wouldn't be surprised).
Your goober buddy,
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