Tuesday, June 19, 2007

New rug.

So my mom and dad went to a garage sale over the weekend a couple of streets where all the Victorian mansions are and they cost like a few million dollars which our tiny condo does not. And at the mansion garage sale, my mom and dad bought a wool rug for $30 and it's in great shape (for now) and it doesn't even smell like pee and my mom says $30 is really cheap for a wool rug, especially one that doesn't smell like pee. And you guys probably don't know this about me, but I love rugs and carpeting and one of my favorite things to do is to wiggle worm on them so you can imagine that I was pretty excited about my mom and dad buying me a rug.
So here is a video of me and Odin testing out the new rug.

Oh and BTW - my mom likes her new job. And I asked her for a mansion for my adoption anniversary next month and she said no.


Lorenza said...

Hi, Ike.
Is there a problem with the video??
I can't watch it.
Its so nice of your parents to buy a rug for you! And at that price!!
I hope you enjoy it a lot!!
Tell your mom that we are so glad she is happy at her new job.
Have a good night

Huskee and Hershey said...

Wow.. you asked for a mansion? I only asked for a new HuskeeMobile on my birthday. Now I feel like I have been short-changed..
Since your mom said no to the mansion, maybe you can ask fer (yet another) rug??

Ruby Bleu said...

Wow Ike...you and Odin were looking like you were lovin' that rug. I do the same thing on my rug here too!

So happy your Mom is liking her new job, but I don't get her NOT wanting to buy you a mansion. What's up with that??

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Boo Casanova said...

ike, you sure like the rug very much. but don't pee on it yeah.

wet wet licks


Girl Girl Hamster said...

Woh your new rug looks real comfy to wiggle on.
Why no mansion for you??

~ girl girl

Joe Stains said...

your tongue cracks me up. we do wiggles like that on the rug too, but our rugs are not as nice they are just brown.

Scrappy and Pebbles said...

Nice rug. I love to wriggle all over our rugs too.

Tail wags

Unknown said...

Hi Ike,

Very cute my man! Loved how you chased the kitty cat off YOUR rug!


Duke said...

I like your rug Ike! It feels good to stretch out and scratch your back huh?
I thought hoomans went to work to provide us with whatever we want? This is not true?

Love ya lots,

Gwyn Valentine said...

Hi Ike, I can't see the video. Is the rug nice looking?
Good to hear that your Mum loves her new job :)


wally said...

Hey Ike--that's a great lookin' rug and what a deal. It even looks like it matches you! It will look great in the new mansion with a six acre yard I'm sure they're just not telling you about.


ps. My ma ape thinks your cat is pretty and loves the name Odin. I say PHHHHBBBBBBT.

Peanut said...

I've never had a rug or carpet. That looks like so much fun. Glad your mom likes her new job and sorry you won't get your mansion.

Anonymous said...

Holy cow! I thought it was going to be a little rug to put in front of a door! You got THAT rug for $30? My girl is going on and on saying how much she wishes she had a mansion garage sale to go to....

And of course your mom is going to get you a mansion for your adoption day - she just can't tell you or else it wouldn't be a SURPRISE!

Martha said...

You look very handsome on the rug. I can't believe they won't give you a mansion. :(

Balboa said...

I wish I could hear what your mommy and daddy are saying to you. Odin looks at them really funny.

Looks like you are having a lot of fun wigglin' on that rug.

Congrats on your mom being happy at her new job, we're so glad it worked out.

Frenchie Snorts

Myeo said...

$3o for that.. That is really a good and smart buy. Mama would love to have a rug around us but she is scared that we might have accidents.

Boy n Baby

The Brat Pack said...

You so totally deserve a mansion.


Suki & Joey said...

That is a nice rug. Odin looks pretty cool...for a cat!

I'm glad your Mom likes her new job. My Mom wanted me to ask you to ask her if she is a CVT or if she learned on the job? She is curious because she's going to look for a job as a Veterinary Assistant when we move out to Eugene (since she doesn't have much experience ;)

Puggy kisses

Ruby Bleu said...

Hey Ike...
It's me again. Can you send me your email address? ruby.bleu(at)yahoo.com.

Thanks! Lots of Licks, Ruby

Asta said...

Ike, looks like the wug passed the Ike test, it looks wewwy nice, and my Mommi says it's a gweat pwice.doesn't look like you weally want Odin to test it though, heheheh
That's a vewy bootiful roll -stwetch you have pawfected...enjoy your new wug(btw, we don't even own a condo, and my 'rents are way tooo old now to have any hope of getting one, so don't be sad about the lack of mansion..your place looks gweat.)
smoochie kisses

Jessica said...

Hi Ike....Can you fly around on that rug like Alladin?

Love, Seadra and Zoe

Luckie Girl said...

Hey Ike,
What? Only a mansion? You could try asking for a castle or something...then you have more grass and hill to run around!

Buster the Wired Fox Terror said...

I love to do back scritchies on carpet!

Bussie Kissies

Deanna said...

I'm sure you'll take care of that pee smell thing quickly.