Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Set backs.

Ok, so my mom has been working on the project but she's running into some problems, but she promises to work it out somehow. I'll keep you up to date with the progress. Thanks so much to all who donated!

And here's a cute old picture of me, just because.


Dexter said...

Good to see you Ike. I know how these project things can consume the humans. Can't wait for progress reports.


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Mom knows how special projekhts khan go -

Her head has had her own spinnings due to some -

BTW, great shot khutie!


Two French Bulldogs said...

Good to see you handsome
Benny & Lily

Dinean said...

Hi Ike! This is my first time on your blog and you are one cute pup. I just landed a cool job working with Milk-Bone. I'm looking for dogs like you to try out 2 new products and bark about on their blogs. If you're interested have your mom or dad email me at dinean at gmail dot com.

Duke said...

YOu're such a handsome dude, Ike!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

doyle and mollie said...

they say the bestest things are the ones you gotta wait for.... loves and licks xxxx

Lorenza said...

Hi, Ike!
Good vibes for your mom to solve the issues!
Kisses and hugs

Stanley said...


No clue what the secret project is, but it's good to see your stinkin' handsome face! Bummer the p's didn't take you to the islands. They could have used some Ikerrific goodness, and your p's should be spreading the wealth!

Goob love,

World of Animals, Inc said...

Ike, we hope that you are helping mom with your project that she's working on. Hopefully, the issues will be solved soon. Thanks for the share. Have a wonderful rest of your day.
World of Animals