Saturday, November 6, 2010

Worst Blogger in the World!

All I have to say is it's totes not my fault because my mom said she has been too busy lately but today, Auntie Kathryn and Uncle Ansel were flying in and they MISSED THEIR FLIGHT (WTF?) because they had some snoring, cell phone, PM not AM alarm clock debacle. Anyway, my mom is helping me blog because she suddenly has a whole day that she doesn't have planned to the minute.
Things that have happened since I last blogged:
1. We moved! Wha, you say? Yep, we got a bigger place that has two whole extra bedrooms which is totes cool and a fenced backyard which I have never had before and I'm having a bit of a hard time getting used to because I'm used to doing my business on walks on a leash, not on my own in the back yard and it gives my parents an excuse to do fewer walkies which is totes lame.
2. We switched cat litter. Lorraine has asthma, so we switched to Sweet Scoop litter which is wheat hulls and I've been breaking into the boxes because we don't have a basement now with a door and a hole cut in the wall. And wheat hulls are pretty much pure fiber so I have been taking multiple monster dumps which don't always make it outside which is totally pissing my grandma off. But at least I clean it up by myself, right? And another thing about fiber, it gives you the best farts!
3. Saffron has a new lump which my mom is worried about and has to get tested and she might have to have another surgery. Poor Saffron!
4. The rain has started again. I don't know if you know this, but it pretty much rains all winter here and I hate walking on wet grass because it's cold and wet which my mom thinks is contributing to my badness.
So that is pretty much what is going on around here and I haven't really been looking at other blogs either, so I don't even know what's going on with you. Sheesh! I need to up my game! I hope you all haven't forgotten about me. I think about you guys a lot!
Forgive me?


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Are woo saying THAT face doesn't work on your mom?



Lorenza said...

Lots of news!
A new home!!
But not a lot of walkies! Hmm....
New litter box that gives you lots of fiber... hmmm...
I hope Saffron is going to be ok!
Aaaaand.... I hope to see you again soon!
Take care
Kisses and hugs

Duke said...

Moving is exciting news, Ike, and we understand how you feel about the rain and the wet grass. YUK!
Our paws are crossed for Saffron!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Dexter said...

Big news for sure, little dude. What's up with Saffron. Tell her to get better quickly.

As for the yard. Yuh, my idiot brother is the same way. Actually I think he just doesn't like to potty without an audience since if momma goes out with him he pees like a racehorse.

Hope to see more of you and your new estate.


dw said...

Hi Ike! Glad you're back to blogging! Lots of changes in your world, but that's okay, change is good sometimes!

Peppy Sheppys said...

Ike, we missed ya. Glad to hear about your new home. We need to get some kitties as they seem to produce the best snackables. And farts. Gotta love the farts.

Sheps w/Pep, Otis n' Edgrr.

Heather and Pumpkin said...

I am with you Ike, there is nothing worse than getting wet feet!


Kitty+Coco said...

Well.....Yes. We forgive you. Your brown face can melt a heart of stone. I'm thinking your grandma might have a heart attack if you keep taking gigantipoops. Take it easy on the old girl. Wheat hulls sound pretty tasty though..

Kitty and Coco

Stella said...

I think you should take it easy on the wheat hulls especially if they have been in the litter box and somewhat USED! Not good for you, and bad tummy could be a result. Every dog loves the smell of their own farts no matter what they eat.

So, take it easy, Ike.


Peanut said...

ha my mom is worst then yours. We use corn litter for our cat and it is tasty stuff. bol
We could never forget you dude.