Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Ok so today I totally earned a stain award - like 3 of them. My grandma took me for my daily ride and I was making lots of snorting noises - which I do - and then WHAH!!!!! BLAM!!!!!!PAZOW!!!! barf all over the seat and my grandma's purse and the floor. And the best part was, my mom left the basement door open and I sort of went down to the litter box and had a couple hundred snacks. So the car totally reeked and my grandma had to get gas because she wasn't sure she would make it home and the bestest best part was, my grandma almost barfed too!
But wait, there's more! Then my grandma had me locked in the laundry room in case I barfed again, which I totally did, and ruined two rugs. So my grandma threw the poo-vom rugs away and left me out there, totally alone with Odin. So I used my patented pee warfare and peed everywhere and Odin was all "waaaaaa, get me outta here!" And then the neighbor dogs started barking so I totally barked back as deep as my voice would go. Sorry I made your new car stink like crap-vomit Grandma!

And look at this picture of me - TOOOOT!


Dexter said...

IKE! ICK! Total barf-o-rama. Like some PG-13 teenager movie. Man! What a mess. I hope Grandma is still speaking to you. Better let things calm down for a while and lay off the cat nuggets.


P.S. No photos? I don't know if you will get your official stain award without photographic evidence. Just sayin.


JJ Lynne said...

hope you're feeling better! I found your blog browsing through dog blogs and couldn't resist coming by. I'm sorry you were sick and hope that your little messes didn't make your grandma too angry!

Mack said...

Toots, Barf & Poop?
A Trifecta!

Ruby Bleu said...

Oh Ikes I sure hope you are ok and feeling better. I'm sur your grandma will talk to you some day....

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Two French Bulldogs said...

Oh my word! The only reason we are BOL is because Lily did that to momma. Except we were in traffic and couldn't pull over. Oh poor baby. Your lucky grandmaw didn't bring you to the shelter..
Benny & Lily

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

I might have khaught a whiff of THAT here in Pawsylvania!

PeeEssWoo: My word is somewhat telling: PERFULES!

Kitty+Coco said...

DRY HEAVING over here! Thanks. Funny, I just told how I barfed on cue down my daddy's shoulder on my blog. Seriously though, cat a la poo poo is not a dish we recommend. We all know grandpawrents are push overs, but you might have just pushed yours over the limit! Better hit that bottle of pepto hard.

Peanut said...

I wonder if your grandma will ever put you in her car again. I bet she gets a new purse.
Sounds like that might be up for stain of the year.

Lorenza said...

Barfing and peeing! What a day!
I hope you are feeling better now!
Kisses and hugs

Duke said...

We're glad to hear that your gram didn't barf too and we hope she's forgiven you, Ike!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

doyle and mollie said...

you practising auditioning for some bad b grade horror move there ike?

Joe Stains said...

BEST. STORY. EVER!!!! holy cow. er crap, or puke! Filled with all things stainable. Pee. Vomit. Turds. WOW.


Peppy Sheppys said...

Ike, your life is so exciting and awesome. What a pooperstar.

Sheps w/Pep

Duke said...

Happy gotcha day, Ike!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Sophie Brador said...

Ike, I am not a barf fan or anything, but you are pretty awesome.
