Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Ok, so my mom is trying to check my AdSense account and the dummy forgot to write down my gmail email address because she's a dummy and didn't just use the one I use for blogger so I totally can't login. So if anyone has emailed me at a gmail address with an email that is not the emilyandian one and is one that sounds like a personal Ike email, please leave me a comment. Stupid mom.


Duke said...

Our mom forgets important stuff all the time! Don't be too hard on her, Ike!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Two French Bulldogs said...

Are you cling momma a dummy? BOL
Benny & Lily

Lorenza said...

Hi, Ike!
Why that sounds familiar to me??
Kisses and hugs

Morgan in Pittsburgh said...

Ike - we came by to visit and just don't know what to say about any of this. we had your e-mail, but can't find it, sorry you pooped, and those crawley things are kind of gross. It was an interesting visit with you - see ya later.
Your pals, Morgan & Maisie