Sunday, February 14, 2010

Valentine's Day!

So I know everyone has been really sad these past few days and I have been too, but I wanted to wish everyone, especially my sweet Martha, a happy Valentine's Day. I have a lot of love in my life because I totally love my mom and my dad and my grandma and the cats - especially Odin because we are really good friends. I love my Auntie Kathryn and Uncle Ansel and my grandpa and I left them all behind in Minnesota and I want to tell them that I miss them. So here's a really handsome picture of me for Valentine's Day.

And this is an old picture partially because my mom is super lazy and partially because I have another corneal ulcer which isn't healing and I had to have my eye stitched shut for a while. Hopefully it will heal that way so I don't have to have surgery again like I had on my other eye. So please send some healing vibes my way because that was a super painful time for me. I hope everyone can forget the sadness for a little while and think about all the love we have. I'm sending some extra special loving vibes to Wally's Ma Ape.


Mack said...

What a wonderful post. I just know Martha will love it.

We hope your eyeball heals super fast!

Peppy Sheppys said...

We will pass the LOVE on to our APE. And your EYE. We are a little jelly because our ape is trying to reach through the computer machine screen to HUG YOU because she thinks you are supercalafragalistic handsome.

The Sheps with Pep.

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Happy Valentine's Day Handsome!

Thanks fur helping us all smile again!

PeeEssWoo: Paws khrossed fur your eye to get better!

Two French Bulldogs said...

healing vibes are on there way..
Happy Valentine's Day
Benny & Lily

Bobby said...

Happy Valentines Day

Ruby Bleu said...

Oh Ike' sorry your eyeball is hurtin'. Happy Valentine's day and please feel better.

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Sally Ann and Andy said...

I hope your eye heals up soon. I've given you award, please come to blog to pick it up.
Sally Ann

Randi said...

Aw Ike..I'm sending you lots of healing vibes so you eye gets better...if you have to have that eye sewed shut for a while, are you gonna wear a pirate patch?

Happy Valentine's Day...

Love & Licks,

Lorenza said...

Hi, Ike!
Happy Valentine's Day!
I am sending you all my good vibes for your eye! I hope it gets better soon!
Kisses and hugs

Unknown said...

I agree with you, Ike. Let's enjoy the love for a moment. As for your poor eye, I'm terribly sorry. I had asked you if it hurt... It's really painful, huh? I wish I could kiss it to make it better. (virtual kisses and licks sent your way)
Happy Valentine's day to you and your loved one.
Get well!!!

kissa-bull said...

we are sending all our feel better pibble vibes and some extra juicy pibble sugars and wishing you a vewy happy vawentines day
the houston pittie pack

Asta said...

Ike sweet boy

I'm sending you gobs of healing smoochie kisses fow youw eye..I love youw Valentin'e pictoowe and miss wally sooo..I know youw Mawfa is sending you all hew love as am I
smoochie kisses

Kelly said...

Ike, thanks for that handsome picture of you. It does make all the sadness around us seem a little more bearable when we can all smile together.

I am thinking of you and your poor eye! I realllllllly hope it heals!!

Duke said...

Lots of AireZen is coming your way, Ike! What a bummer about your eye!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and MItch

doyle and mollie said...

aw ike we are sorry for all the painful things that are happening to you - did your momma ever get the pewter trophy we sent you via peemail?? loves and licks

doyle and mollie said...

hey ike
email me at doyledog (at) me (dot) com
and i will send you the pewter junk
loves and licks doyle

The Oceanside Animals said...

Sorry about Wally and about your eye, Ike. Hope you feel better soon.

Peanut said...

We are sorry to here about your eye. We are hoping it heals well.

Achieve1dream said...

Hey, I know you've been having problems with Ike's eyes for a while now and I have a few questions for you if you don't mind about Storm's eye problems. I'm hoping we can do some comparing and figure something out. My email is When you have time I'd appreciate your help. :)

Winnie and Lilly said...

We are new to DWB and love reading your blog. Sorry about your eye problem, we really hope your mom can get that fixed for you soon.
Please stop by and check out our blog, we are passing on an award to you!
Peace out,
Winnie and Lilly

Sophie Brador said...

Ike! We almost called my brother Odin instead of Owen, but in the end, I said, he's a doofus, call him Owen and mom listened.

I just love the pic with the bandaid that you did of my buddy Wally. I just can't believe he's really gone.


doyle and mollie said...

hey ike we hope you are ok and your eye isnt a bother, you just seem to have gone a bit quiet loves and llicks

Life With Dogs said...

How is that eye Ike?

Huskee and Hershey said...

Did you feel it, did you feel it? We just sent a load of healing vibes to you... hope that corneal ulcer heals up real soon.