Tuesday, February 23, 2010

To the Eye Doc.

Ok, so I've been really quiet lately because my mom has been a little grumpy and not feeling all that bloggy - sorry we haven't been around. And today I go to the eye doctor. Grrr.
I'll update when we are back.


Bobby said...

We hope all is okay when you go to the eye doctor.

Duke said...

We hope all goes well for you at the eye doctor's, Ike! Let us know, okay?

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Peanut said...

Oh yes let us know how the eye doctor goes.

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

I'll be chekhking to SEE how woo made out -


Unknown said...

Just take care for now, kk? Hope your doctor's visit goes well.

Dexter said...

Little grumpy dude! I am worried about your eyeball and your mom. Let us know how things work out.


Two French Bulldogs said...

You may have to consider firing your asistant..BOL
Benny & Lily

kissa-bull said...

i suggest you go on a strike
tooting as much as you can should help out too
pibble sugars and wiggles from the wee ones
the houston woggie pack

Lorenza said...

Paws crossed everything went well at the Eye Doc!
Please, let us know!
Kisses and hugs

The Oceanside Animals said...

Hope the eye doctor gives you good news!