Friday, November 27, 2009

Worst Thanksgiving Ever and Day Trip with Dad.

Ok, so I don't know if you know this or not, but yesterday was Thanksgiving - you know where my grandma slaves in the kitchen all day and then finally we eat the most amazing dinner ever and everyone pretty much consumes a whole stick of butter, and then we all pass out on the floor and complain about how full we are? Well this year was a little different - my grandma is in Austin and my mom and dad left me all alone in my kennel to have Thanksgiving at Auntie Hyunjoo's and Uncle Greg's where I am no longer allowed to go because I have been known to be a b-hole to baby Jina when she hugs and kisses me which is totally not my fault because I have personal space issues with babies who hug and kiss me. I was alone all day, and then when my mom and dad came home after 400 hours, I got a very small Thanksgiving meal which was pretty good anyway.
Insert picture of Ike at Thanksgiving here. Oh, wait, I wasn't there!
Anyway, today my dad took me on a nature road trip which was pretty pawesome except my mom couldn't come because she had to work. We went to Seahome Arboretum and Larabee State Park where we watched the sunset which was pretty cool but not as cool as having Thanksgiving dinner with your family!
Here are some pics.
So this is me and my mom last weekend when we were looking at Lummi Island but it was super cold and windy so we only looked at it for like a second.

Ok, so these are pics that my dad took today.

And this is how handsome I look in the sunset - can you believe there was actually sun today?

And this is a weird self portrait that my mom took of us a few nights ago.

And I don't know if I told you or not, but my grandma brought her cat, Lorraine, to live with us, and she is eating my food in this picture! But I kind of like her because she doesn't have a tail like me.

And this is me and my dad.


Morgan in Pittsburgh said...

Sorry about your Thanksgiving. You know what they have to do, right? they have to cook another dinner like tomorrow or something and make it up to you. that's what. glad you like the kitty. I like them too, and those kids - they don't know how to behave like us dogs do.
your pal, Morgan

Joe Stains said...

What a rip off! babies are weird, I mean, Tanner likes them! the rest looks pretty good tho, especially your Dad's photos.

Duke said...

OMG, we just LOVE your sunset photo, Ike! That one is blog header material for sure!
Hey, you could have had turkey and pumpkin pie with us!
Great post, Ike!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Mack said...

Same here, buddy. Mom and Dad went to the grandparents house and I was stuck here all day with my sisters. But at least I got a little turkey when they came back.
Those are some super awesome pics. It must be really beautiful where you live.
Is Lorraine nice to you? I am kinda scared of cats....

Achieve1dream said...

Oh my gosh those are some awesome pictures! I really like the last one, the sunset pictures and the picture of you in front of the sunset. So beautiful!


pam said...

Poor poor Ike. How dare your rents to leave you all alone on Thanksgiving! Just because of a dumb baby???

Bobo and Meja

Dexter said...

Hey Ike! I am with you. I don't want anybody in my space unless it is my mom and those pesky miniature humans are the worst. Is that any reason to abandon us?

I was left home alone with peewee all day. Sob. Momma came home stinking of that evil puppy that lives with my human brother and brought me... NOTHING! How we do suffer.


Lorenza said...

Hi, Ike!
Sure it sounds like a not very good Thanksgiving!
I understand you. I like to have my personal space respected too!
You Dad took beautiful pictures!
Kisses and hugs

Heather and Pumpkin said...

Oh Ike I'm sorry about your Thanksgiving! Getting turkey on Thanksgiving is every dog's right. It's like "Go Money" in Monopoly. Better luck next year.


Balboa said...

What a horrible Thanksgiving for you. Did they at least bring you leftovers?


wally said...


I gotta say you are the most photogenic family I have ever seen. Mostly you, of course. You know how to turn out a photo.

wally t.

ps. I am mad at your peoples for giving you the shaft on the T-giving dinner.

Peanut said...

They should have taken you and put the baby in a kennel.